Airsoft Canada

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Danneichh February 23rd, 2009 23:53

Time for a super noob question
well, i'm completely new to this sport, but i've always been a bit of a gun fanatic, and when i stumbled across airsoft, it had me hooked right away. so, here's my question, and i'm hoping to god this doesn't get deleted, i couldn't really find a solid answer to this in any of the faq's, and being someone who really wants to get into the sport, i feel the need to ask this: where exactly can i find decent new airsoft guns? i'm really eyeing up the Tokyo Marui G36C or M4 A-1 with the R.I.S. handgrip, but i can't find any dealers, though i don't really know exactly what i'm looking for. Many of the weapons i've seen are made of clear plastic, but, as i'm sure most of the people on this forum will agree, i want the all black mostly metal versions. Is there anywhere i can find these without buying used from somebody? or are there any liscenced canadian retailers, even small ones? thanks!!

Dr_Tinshnipz February 23rd, 2009 23:56

you need to contact an age verifier. Then you can view the classifieds.

Bowers February 23rd, 2009 23:57

if you get age verified you can access this sites buy and sell area

KNIVEZS February 23rd, 2009 23:57

there are retailers here if you want a new gun but you need to be age verified

MOARPOWER February 23rd, 2009 23:58

Okay. There are a couple of reputable retailers around here. Theres 007 airsoft, Mach1, Velocity arms etc etc. But you need to become AVed to buy guns of their site anyways. Might as well get AV'd and buy guns of ASC members.

Danke February 23rd, 2009 23:58

The retailers that are know around this site will only sell to folks who are 18+ years old. You want to get yourself age verified and then you'll access a private area where you can dig into this. I don't recall those particular models being up for sale but then I don't spend a lot of time in the classifieds.

Other good ways to get in the loop are to check in on the local threads for games in your area and meet the other players face to face. Getting age verified is a face to face gig, and the games are good places to find the reps, and also to just see what kind of rigs folks are running.

Danneichh February 23rd, 2009 23:59

thanks guys:) how do i go about getting age verified?

Crunchmeister February 24th, 2009 00:00

There are no airsoft dealers that sell black guns in Canada.

Whether you can get the black guns or not all comes down to how old you are. If you're 18 or older, then you're in luck. All you have to do it meet with an age verifier and you'll have access to the 18+ sections of the forum. If you're not 18, then you're stuck with what you see until you are. And you can't black import guns from out of the country either, in case you thought that was an option.

I suggest you take a look at the information section of the forum and read the faqs and such. You'll quickly realize that airsoft in Canada isn't as simple as walking to a store or ordering from a web site.

Bowers February 24th, 2009 00:02


Originally Posted by Danneichh (Post 926073)
thanks guys:) how do i go about getting age verified?

find the guy on taht list nearest you and contact him

Danneichh February 24th, 2009 00:09

well, i sent a pm to my local age verifier, so i'll just sit and wait till he pm's me back :) but when i'm verified, i'm in luck for black guns? what exactly would i need to do to get ahold of one? i'm sorry if i'm getting ahead of myself a bit here, but i just recently discovered this sport, and i'm damn near obsessed with it:D oh, and crunchmeister, yeah, i wish it was easier, i've read up on the legal situation, but i can see from your pick that you've got at least one black gun, and even if i can get ahold of CA guns, they seem to be good quality aswell.

MOARPOWER February 24th, 2009 00:12

verification takes a week or two but after you get AV'd, go to the classifieds and your OFFF !!!!

diamond_SEA February 24th, 2009 00:14

once your age-verified, its essentially like buying anything online. there are retailers, who deal in new guns, and then the buy & sell, which people post their old stuff. There are some great deals on the buy and sell, and if you have the money, some retailers can get you whatever you want.

Also, the payment option of choice on here is EMT (Email Money Transfer). If you have internet banking at a major bank (BMO, CIBC, RBC... no credit unions) you probalby have it. Its pretty invaluable here because its so easy and fast.

Danneichh February 24th, 2009 00:17

thanks guys, i really appreciate the help with all this. here's hoping airsoft get's properly legalized here :D

Danke February 24th, 2009 00:17

Black is so yesterday. Flat Dark Earth is where it's at.

Danneichh February 24th, 2009 01:43

oh i'll bet :D but really? can anyone tell me how it's possible to get black guns? the majority of people i've seen on this site who have gun pics in their avatars have black guns, so i know it's possible, but how exactly? i mean, after i've been AV'd and whatnot.

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