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sopmod February 13th, 2009 05:46

Flyye or Phantom??
hi everyone from ASC. I'm thinking to get CIRAS vest and there are two brands I always wanted to try. So guys, Which do you guys recommend besides different of the price???


bean February 13th, 2009 06:35

If by phantom you mean pantac go for them. Until flyye can fix its quality control problems it had like molle channels that are to small to attach pouches to I would choose pantac.

sopmod February 13th, 2009 12:53

sounds like pantac got both good rice range and quanlity =)

Dracheous February 13th, 2009 13:00


Originally Posted by sopmod (Post 918667)
sounds like pantac got both good rice range and quanlity =)

Its all about the Rice range people! haha, just teasing.

My votes with Pantac so far, Flyye has some interesting products out with some competitive pricing going on between the two; but so far when item for item is put up against the other Pantac seems to always be on top by jab here and there. Now that I hear word of Pantac's products being used in the real world as well, not to sure of the validity to this of course, but even the possibility that they are being looked at makes them a very wise choice considering their lower cost brackets.

Groombug February 13th, 2009 13:38

There's another brand of CIRAS, it's made by Eagle Industries. You should check it out.

Dracheous February 13th, 2009 13:47


Originally Posted by Groombug (Post 918681)
There's another brand of CIRAS, it's made by Eagle Industries. You should check it out.

Yes, just don't mind the HEFTY cost. only around the $850-900CAD before taxes, shipping and customs ;).

DuffMan February 13th, 2009 14:13

You can get them for substantially cheaper used on tactical forums.

Dracheous February 13th, 2009 14:32


Originally Posted by Duff_Man_in_CADPATs (Post 918702)
You can get them for substantially cheaper used on tactical forums.

True, but I was also just helping the lad find the Eagle Industries CIRAS as well ;). haha.

My take on buying the Pantac over the Eagle, is that every Pantac bought, is an Eagle left for the soldier that really needs one. ;). Until it puts Eagle outta business to compete then we got problems.

Pantac Gear February 15th, 2009 22:08

Thanks for all recommands on Pantac.

We have a pair of plastic SAPI plates go together with our Recon Vest.

Why does anybody mention that. Haha...

LUTNIT February 16th, 2009 20:55

I use the hollow plastic plates in my vest (Pantac but not a CIRAS, a little lighter) and they are great. I could care less for realism and all that but they make it far more rigid and firm which makes it far more comfortable. Weight is distributed better.

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