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Drunk_Albertan February 12th, 2009 18:33

Lets see your kit!
I havn't seen a thread in the WW2 section on kits yet, so let's see what everyone's got put together from starting yesterday to starting 5, 6, or 7 years ago. Help some people figgure out what they might need from either Axis or Allied, all branches.

Lets get a good photo thread going here!

I'll have mine up in a day or two!

MrEvolution February 12th, 2009 19:27


Real Steel Anti Tank Mine Box from Grandpa

youonlywish February 12th, 2009 20:46

Will post soon.

youonlywish February 13th, 2009 18:20


I'll start out with one I took a little while ago... wanted to see if my new rifle, after being converted, fitted the 'look'.


Taken from my profile on OAWWIIR...

My dress uniform, and my lady.

My rifle.

An event pic, pre-rifle conversion...

My tent (though I believe it is early korean war era)

youonlywish February 13th, 2009 18:21

Also finished my medic helmet...

And some personal effects I keep on my person...

And some rations from my pack...

swatt13 February 13th, 2009 19:29

your guys' kits look balls deep. good job. evo is your belt upside down? or is that so when your chuteing your way down you can look and see what country your not chuteing into.

SHaKaL February 13th, 2009 19:34

Dont the Us army use stancils for the medic cross?

youonlywish February 13th, 2009 19:45

Yes, however... I doubt the stencils would have been readily available at forward medical stations... this helmet is a representation of a used, or worn in medic helmet.

MrEvolution February 13th, 2009 20:07

Haha yes, my belt is upside down. I fixed it awhile ago just an old pic.
I went to attach my .45 Mag pouch and realized it was wrong when it had nothing to clip to.

Yorkie February 13th, 2009 21:43

Dogfood on the left, Yorkie on the right, standing in front of something a bit more authentic ;)

Chuco February 13th, 2009 23:23

ok im putting a WW2 cnadian / british impression and fo rthe life of me i cant find boots for that matter what kind of boots we wore back then any help would be greatly appreciated

redhawk_six February 14th, 2009 01:24


Originally Posted by Chuco (Post 919008)
ok im putting a WW2 cnadian / british impression and fo rthe life of me i cant find boots for that matter what kind of boots we wore back then any help would be greatly appreciated

Ankle boots. Nearly identical to the current issue parade boots. The WWII boots were normally pebbled with a smooth sole with hobnails. However, I've seen many reenactors use CF Parade Boots as they're cheap and readily avaliable, as for repro ankle boots, there's only one company making them and they cost a fortune. You can find parade boots at any surplus shop or even at value village for that matter. If you're serious about putting a realistic kit togeather, look for a book called 'From D-Day to VE-Day, The Canadian Soldier, 1944-45' by Jean Bouchery. It'll tell you all you need to know about the Canadian Soldier in WWII and then some. - great source for repro british/commonwealth gear

QuincyXavier February 14th, 2009 02:09

I've seen upside down pistol belts in some pictures while researching FSSF. The M1918 double magazine pocket (or other mag pockets) snaps onto the belt. By flipping the belt over, they could carry their 1911 mags on either their left or their right.

Yorkie February 14th, 2009 09:14


Originally Posted by Chuco (Post 919008)
ok im putting a WW2 cnadian / british impression and fo rthe life of me i cant find boots for that matter what kind of boots we wore back then any help would be greatly appreciated

Boots without toecaps (Canadian Forces/RAF/Royal Marines)

Boots with toecaps (British Army)

Both $85 US which is very reasonable, they are both good quality and are very comfortable after being broken in. Before that they make mincemeat out of your feet. He also sells replcement hobnails, heel & toe irons.

You can also search eBay for "Ammo Boots" there are quite a few of them on there, particularly in the UK, they are still made over there to the same pattern for work boots. You might struggle finding your size though, they are normally in the 9-11 UK range and the postage can be painful.

Best of luck,


bandaid February 14th, 2009 09:46

Anderson and Anderson have ankle boots in lots of sizes and cheap too.They resemble WW 2 ammo boots pretty closely

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