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DYORD February 1st, 2009 10:14

Got shot in my palm.. i think there's a BB inside!
Actually, it happened more likely 7 months ago. I got hit by a bb in my palm, and the last thing i remember, blood starts dripping. Anyhow.. after a week, the wound has healed.. and after that.. there's no trace of a wound. I just noticed 2 weeks ago that there could be a bb left inside. And all along i thought it was just a bump (or swollen nerve). But by touching it.. there's 80% probability that there's a bb inside my palm.

Is it safe? Let's say i want to keep it... will it breakdown in time and run through my system?

Scopedog February 1st, 2009 10:16

Go have an X-ray done of your hand and you'll know for sure. Best to err on the side of caution and have it removed if it is indeed in there. Even if there is no immediate risk, scar tissue could form around it and then it may present problems.

DYORD February 1st, 2009 10:24

what problem could arise with a forming of a scar tissue?

Scopedog February 1st, 2009 10:40

Well. I'm not a doctor, but perhaps it might put pressure on nerves or something of that nature. It's generally not a good idea to leave foreign objects in the body unless there is a substantial risk in removing it. Best if you go see a doc and get a professional opinion. They may very well shrug and say leave it BB.

...hehehe, see what I did there? :p

PaCHeKo! February 1st, 2009 10:45

... You'll become a super human like the guy in James Bons with a bullet in his head.

Arthraxis February 1st, 2009 11:07

Well it's been 7 months, I'm sure that some sort of tissue has already formed around it, if there is a BB in your hand that is.

Scarecrow February 1st, 2009 11:10

It better be a BB Bastard!

baker_Jeff February 1st, 2009 11:12


Originally Posted by Scarecrow (Post 909588)
It better be a BB Bastard!


As epic as it is to have a BB lodged in your body forever, I would also recommend getting it checked out...

Would be awesome if they let you keep it in there!

pipefitter316 February 1st, 2009 12:04

if its biodegradable you ll be fine

Bowers February 1st, 2009 12:06

id see a doctor

Scarecrow February 1st, 2009 12:08


Originally Posted by pipefitter316 (Post 909606)
if its biodegradable you ll be fine

Uh no...

Go see a doctor and get an x-ray. Actually if it's a biobb I'd MORE worried not less. BioBBs are designed to be non-toxic to the environment, not the human body, whereas a regular BB generally won't breakdown inside the body in a timeframe that would be toxic - so you'd be better off with a non-BioBB if you had a choice...

Shirley February 1st, 2009 12:08

Ewww. Save yourself the trouble and money and cut it open. And pop it out. Use lots of rubbing alcohol. ;)

Moderate February 1st, 2009 12:26


...It's a tumor. You have Cancer. Please go to a doctor, ASAP.

RICKBO February 1st, 2009 12:28

Ahh yes, the DIY approach.

...But getting a doctor to check it out is free in Canada. The topic of non-bioBB vs Regular BB makes sense. if it doesn't break down then the chemicals and particles in it wont be introduced into your system. Most foreign objects are not surgically sterile, but if you've had it for some 7 months now I suspect it's fine now. Do you have a strong constitution/immune system?

Rumpel Felt February 1st, 2009 12:40

Grab a knife, some vodka and some soaker pads and slice that mother fucker open. Take vids and pics and post them up here for us too.

Yes, as someone already mentioned, you'll be as bad ass as Renard with a bullet lodged in his brain in The World is Not Enough.

Well, I guess you could hi-jack a nuclear sub and blow up a harbour if you wanted....that would solve everything.

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