Airsoft Canada

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johjoh January 5th, 2009 22:41

G&G M16 For 316$ a good deal?
Well if you have read some posts about me you probably know my friend has an JG m4 witch he bought on buyairsoft (dont comment)

Well he was tired of lending it to me so we could target shoot in his private woods so he dicied to buy a weapon that i could loan from him and do some target practice at his house

he came across again at buyairsoft they had a new line of weapons, the G&G series so i was wondering if first theres good internal parts stock will it last with good maintenance as long as his JG m4? and for the price is it a decent one?

thanks for all your time guys at airsoftcanada im stil a noob but when i get 18 ill start coming to the fields near ottowa and hook up with you guys 2 more years to go :D:rolleyes:

EDIT: heres the link

And yes i did some research on this gun before posting i just want people i kind of trust more in the ASC comminity to post some awnsers instead of those americans witch owns guns a 5 yrs old....

johjoh January 6th, 2009 16:13

err... lol?

The Saint January 6th, 2009 16:15

Probably because we think you've been here long enough to start using the search feature and reading more. ;)

Crunchmeister January 6th, 2009 16:17

You won't find much advice acquiring an airsoft gun from ASC members when you're not 18 and age-verified. Had you posted this anywhere else but the Newbie Tank where flaming is strictly prohibited, you would have had many, many replies, but far less friendly. We can't stop you from buying an airsoft gun from other sources, but we won't be helping you.

TokyoSeven January 6th, 2009 16:30

Sometimes reassurance is not always available from a forum community, you will just have to go with your own instinct. You cant go running to the internet everytime you are faced with a descision. Youve claimed that youve done research but by the sounds of your questions I think you could probly do a little more.

If you just want a quick answer that makes you feel better, than yes buy it. However, know that you are under the age of legal consent and under the age that ASC condones the ownership of airsoft. Yes there are groups out there that allow participation at the age of 16, but that is not here. There deciscion is yours but in the future please do not inquire about attempting to buy an airsoft gun while underage.

Has anyone else noticed that when you go to the website, click the enlarge image button and then maximise the window the words "BOO" scroll across the screen?

zone 69 January 6th, 2009 16:35

G&G CANsoft is still new to the canada Market so I dont know how the quality stand's up to other's but I think there just as good or better then JING GONG so 319$ sound's about right for what they sell for here in canada.

Iv heard that there's two kind's of G&G gun's a cheaper one and a upgraded one.

kalnaren January 6th, 2009 16:38

Same internals as any other G&G gun. GO read some other G&G reviews to get an idea.

johjoh January 6th, 2009 16:40

Umm btw im not the one buying the gun if u can read :D and yeah i know but i just like to be sure about some decisions

and as far as posting it in newbie tank well i posted in airsoft uns disc (im pretty darn sure)
orelse i was just very tired

Amos January 6th, 2009 16:49

Fuuuck. Buyairsoft is carrying cansoft now too :(

That's like a 5X Multiplier on underage airsofters. I've got a feeling they're gonna outlaw these guns now.

The Saint January 6th, 2009 16:53


Originally Posted by johjoh (Post 892649)
Umm btw im not the one buying the gun if u can read :D and yeah i know but i just like to be sure about some decisions

To us, that reads very close to it being simply yours and makes some of us rather uncomfortable. We only really tolerate parents controlling airsoft guns for minors, not so much older friends. Friends aren't usually nearly as responsible as parents.


and as far as posting it in newbie tank well i posted in airsoft uns disc (im pretty darn sure)
orelse i was just very tired
You did post it in Discussion. I had it moved from Discussion into Newbie Tank, because regardless of your join date, you're asking a very newbie question.


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 892654)
Fuuuck. Buyairsoft is carrying cansoft now too :(

That's like a 5X Multiplier on underage airsofters. I've got a feeling they're gonna outlaw these guns now.

Try not to be too pessimistic.

L473ncy January 6th, 2009 17:12

Sadly I'm gonna have to agree with Amos on this one.

Also it looks like the G&G off buyairsoft is a lower end version of the cansoft line, equivalent to the "CA sportline" series vs. the regular CA series.

G&G has 3 series from what I'm told.

G&G "Top tech"
G&G "Combat Machine"

Gonna quote KenC's post off JOC:

No they are NOT the same guns.

Guay Guay Tradings Co Ltd in Taiwan produces THREE lines of AEG's.

Top = Top Tech
Medium = G&G
Low = Combat Machine

The ones from BUY AIRSOFT are not regular G&G full metal guns. They are built with lower grade (cheaper cost) metal (Zinc and Magnesium), and have the Combat Machine trade mark.

The ones carried by 007 Airsoft all have C8 trade marks, plus they are built with PROPER material (Aluminum). Our G&G guns are called G&G products.

Where as the BUY AIRSOFT guns sare actually "combat machine" products.(lower line of guns manufactured by Guay Guay Taiwan)

Fps fluctuates between 335 to 360 fps. I quoted the lowest on my website, they quoted the highest.


johjoh January 6th, 2009 22:30

[QUOTE=The Saint;892656]To us, that reads very close to it being simply yours and makes some of us rather uncomfortable. We only really tolerate parents controlling airsoft guns for minors, not so much older friends. Friends aren't usually nearly as responsible as parents.QUOTE]

might make you unconfortable but you would be surprised how really my friend is you cant judge no one with looks or without even meeting them

The Saint January 6th, 2009 22:34


Originally Posted by johjoh (Post 892858)
might make you unconfortable but you would be surprised how really my friend is you cant judge no one with looks or without even meeting them

The fact remains that your friend isn't legally responsible for your actions as a minor, but your parents are. I certainly hope you have your parents permission for this.

And I'm probably among the least judgmental of the people here. If you think I've got a problem with it, you're not going to like what others will say at all.

MadMorbius January 7th, 2009 08:25

Jesus, can we filter out the word Cansoft? What a stupid term...

Johjoh, the rules are the rules. Abide by them within this community or sit outside of it.

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