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Kuro_Neko January 2nd, 2009 05:55

MP5K holstering options
I've got an mp5k in the mail, primarily for cqb but if I can come up with a way to comfortably holster it I wouldn't mind using it as a sidearm for outdoor games. I'm not really considering a sling at the moment. The options are drop leg or shoulder holster. There are a couple of really old threads on the drop leg but nothing on the shoulder and the ones on the drop leg aren't very informative. So I figured I'd start a new thread. I'm looking for people with personal experience with either the drop leg or shoulder holsters. What little I've found seems to imply that the drop leg isn't the best for anyone but a sniper cause running isn't very comfortable but the sources weren't really reliable. Also, I'm a lefty, as far as I know the shoulder holsters are ambidextrous but I'm not sure if they make any lefty or ambi drop legs. Anyone with information about this please post.


CDN__Player January 2nd, 2009 09:20

I think a drop leg holster with a gun that size would start to get on your nerves after an hour or 2 or play.

Im a lefty to, shit just isnt made for us

Disco_Dante January 2nd, 2009 09:21


Originally Posted by CDN__Player (Post 890146)
I think a drop leg holster with a gun that size would start to get on your nerves after an hour or 2 or play.

Im a lefty to, shit just isnt made for us

Use a shoulder sling attached to the butt of the gun, so that it dangles loose along your side, and then use a karabiner and some cord to secure it to your belt. That way, when you need to bring it up, you just have to open the karabiner. Nice cheap solution :)

coach January 2nd, 2009 11:14


Originally Posted by Disco_Dante (Post 890147)
Use a shoulder sling attached to the butt of the gun, so that it dangles loose along your side, and then use a karabiner and some cord to secure it to your belt. That way, when you need to bring it up, you just have to open the karabiner. Nice cheap solution :)

a weapons catch works well for that too.

as per the request for an MP5k drop leg holster, what's the point unless it's not your primary weapon?

Kuro_Neko January 2nd, 2009 21:43


Originally Posted by coachster (Post 890180)
a weapons catch works well for that too.

as per the request for an MP5k drop leg holster, what's the point unless it's not your primary weapon?

That weapons catch is a good idea.

As to the drop leg, that is the point. It'll be my primary for cqb but secondary for outdoor games, with my m4 being my primary there. For cqb I'll probably go either with a one point sling or maybe nothing at all. But for a secondary I don't think I want to sling it, though in combo with that weapons catch it might work.


B.C.Hawk January 2nd, 2009 21:56

I believe Mil-Force makes a shoulder holster for the MP5k,Mac11 as well as the UZI. Might want to see if it fits the bill.

Kuro_Neko January 2nd, 2009 22:55


Originally Posted by B.C.Hawk (Post 890444)
I believe Mil-Force makes a shoulder holster for the MP5k,Mac11 as well as the UZI. Might want to see if it fits the bill.

I'll look into that. Thanks.

I've still yet to hear from the people that I really want to hear from. The ones have first hand experience using this stuff. No matter how impractical it may be, an mp5k as a sidearm is a sufficiently cool enough idea that some people must have tried it.


amano999 January 2nd, 2009 23:10

I think I still have my mp5k drop leg somewhere. It was custom made based of the one blackhard or somthing used to make.

Looked great, but was pretty cumbersum to run with.

coach January 3rd, 2009 00:00


Originally Posted by Kuro_Neko (Post 890462)
No matter how impractical it may be, an mp5k as a sidearm is a sufficiently cool enough idea that some people must have tried it.

I guess so, but I decided to run a grenade launcher as a side arm. :p

Still working on my MP5...

Kuro_Neko January 3rd, 2009 00:30


Originally Posted by coachster (Post 890493)
I guess so, but I decided to run a grenade launcher as a side arm. :p

Still working on my MP5...

Revolver or single shot? Either way that is pretty cool. Can't be very light though.


coach January 3rd, 2009 00:40


Originally Posted by Kuro_Neko (Post 890509)
Revolver or single shot? Either way that is pretty cool. Can't be very light though.


Single shot with the madbull AGX. Feels like an oversized pistol. It's holstered (AGX specific) and mounted on a drop leg panel. Next to come is a HSGI 40mm (x8 rounds) drop leg platform so I can keep the vest M4 mag pockets filled with mags instead of trying to find space for nades and mags.

Shrapnel[Op-For] January 3rd, 2009 04:10

I know you are lefty but anyways.. thought I'd post it

Kuro_Neko January 4th, 2009 03:47

I'm starting to lean towards the shoulder holster. Anyone own one of these? The Mil Force or the Eagle? How reversible is it? I've been looking at pics of Mil Force and I'm not sure if it can be worn on the left, I've also heard it doesn't work that well. I don't think Eagle makes theirs anymore and I can't seem to find it anywhere, which is a shame since from the pics I've seen I think that one is fairly easily reversed for leftys and works much better then the Mil Force. I might try simply going with a one point and a weapon catch.

Edit: Milspec apparently makes one of these too, anyone know how well that works and if it's lefty-friendly?


Kuro_Neko January 11th, 2009 10:41

No other input on this subject? I still haven't heard from anyone who has the shoulder rig. If I still haven't heard from anyone in another week then I guess I'll just have to bite the bullet and spend some money without confirmation.


coach January 11th, 2009 13:18

Army Issue had one for sale last summer that he brought to a game or two when he had a table. Don't know if he sold it but I'm sure he can get another one in.

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