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Erennert October 26th, 2008 16:05

M14 stuff
Does this sound like a good setup for a "kinda" beginner
TM M14 socom
Silencer (not sure which kind)
Scope (maybe 4x)

Any suggestions on what make? or model and Price check?


Donster October 26th, 2008 16:07

a 4x scope is kinda pushing it. but its ok. the silencer is not needed. everything else sounds ok, but where are the batteries, charger and mags? THOSE are what you need if you are a beginner.

ShortCut October 26th, 2008 16:07

First off, you'll have to get age-verified, if your under 18, you'll have to wait, cause canadian tire stuff is shit

Erennert October 26th, 2008 17:32

Yea the age verifivation is comin soon, but the silencer looks sick, maybe a 2x scope? and i tihnk like a 8.4v-9v. For mags, maybe an extra one, im not trigger happy, i shoot at what i can hit, and maybe some .23g, or .2 BB's. Charger will just be a standard 8.4-9 charger, w/e i decide to get. You tihnk maybe like a new fire selector peice, cuz ive heard that the one on the M14 breaks easily?
and maybe a tightbore barrel?
any price checks or suggestion on length ect would be helpful

Donster October 26th, 2008 17:46

dude, get .25 at least for bbs. trust me. i think .28s will be better. get a hi-cap and you are set for mag capactity. the selector that you hear about is actually the selector arm that is located inside the mechbox. is isn't that fragile. its real weakness is seen when you take apart your M14, that is when it is most likely to break. they make a steel version of those. you can order them online. a tightbore is always a plus. i recommend the prometheus one. 420mm if you are getting a Socom 16, 500mm if you are getting a full length M14.

BTW: fill out your profile

Erennert October 26th, 2008 17:55

Will do, and also could you provide me with a rough price for the tightbore? the 420mm

Muffin October 26th, 2008 17:58

It doesn't hurt to do your own research either man, just simply go to any retailing airsoft website(redwold, WGC, UNcompany, etc.) and search for your desired parts.
A general price would be around $40 before shipping.

Donster October 26th, 2008 18:03

fill out your profile and check out this site. there are others, but i dont like some and other dont like the ones i like. its all personal preference. for example, i never order anything from UNcompany or WGC. it just never works for me. i order from this company and DEN trinity. but redwolf is your best bet. ill give you a tip. in the search bar at the top of the Redwolf site i just gave you, type in "M14" and hit "Enter". You will crap your pants.

Amos October 26th, 2008 18:20

It should look more like this:

TM M14 Socom
2X Intellect 8.4 3300 MAH Large type batteries
1X Good charger
5 TM Locap magazines (Trust me.. "I only shoot what I can hit" doesn't always work in airsoft)
2 bags of BB Bastard .25's

Don't get a Bipod... They're useless and make the gun front heavy, Learn to brace it up against trees or other things around you. Don't get a scope. A stock TM M14 doesn't need a scope (Hell, I ran a HIGHLY upgraded TM M14 for 2 years and I used nothing but iron sights)

The Saint October 26th, 2008 18:53


Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 (Post 848676)
the selector that you hear about is actually the selector arm that is located inside the mechbox. is isn't that fragile. its real weakness is seen when you take apart your M14, that is when it is most likely to break.

Are you guys talking about the cut-off lever? That thing doesn't break, it gets worn down with semi-automatic use. You don't really need to replace it until it fails, if it fails at all.

I recommend going with Amos' suggestions. Beware that TM14 has a really tight battery compartment, and that it's normal for people to cram the battery in and leave it in when charging. The 8.4v 3300mah Intellect Amos mentioned is probably your best choice, you don't need 9.6v.

And he's also right that you'll need more mags. TMs are the best, but only available in locap. I'd recommend staying away from G&P, I've personally experienced and heard nothing but bad things about G&P's M14 mags. KA's M14 are ok, but can have some issues that require some light modification to fix.

For ammo, use 0.25g, because 0.28g is too hard on the fps for stock guns.

TCLP October 26th, 2008 19:29

Amos list is good follow it. its a good way to keep it simple which is the best place to start. Also when the age verification comes through try to get a stock gun that way you aren't paying for upgrades to a gun that you might not like. And when you have played with the gun for abit then you can add stuff like silencers, scopes and bipods if that's what you want to do.
Also check out which should have everything you are looking for and has top notch service.

Styrak October 26th, 2008 19:43


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 848715)
TMs are the best, but only available in locap.

TM makes M14 hicaps too.

The Saint October 26th, 2008 19:47


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 848740)
TM makes M14 hicaps too.

Sorry, forgot. Not that I'd recommend hicaps anyways. :D

Donster October 26th, 2008 20:05


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 848715)
Are you guys talking about the cut-off lever? That thing doesn't break, it gets worn down with semi-automatic use. You don't really need to replace it until it fails, if it fails at all.

no i was talking specifically about the selector arm.

Erennert October 26th, 2008 20:42

Ok, these are all great suggestions but could all these things be bought through a ACS seller for when my age verif is done?

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