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MaikuKun September 28th, 2008 19:02

Aiming question.
So, I realized that I have a slight issue when it comes to aiming with any sight/scope. Basically, I'm right handed but my left eye is my dominant eye. For any of you who don't know what this means, it means that when I aim with my right eye, it's not lined up properly. Aiming with my left eye means that I'd have to shoot left handed which is really awkward for me.

So, now to the question: Is there any way that I can aim with my right eye and not shoot crooked? Is there any way that I can aim with my left eye but still shoot right handed? Or will I just have to learn to shoot left handed?

Thanks in advance to any relevant responses. :smile:

MadMorbius September 28th, 2008 19:03

Use your left eye.

And no, I'm not being an asshole. I'm in the same boat, and I shoot airsoft or real firearms the same way, with my left eye over the sight. Just turn your effin head.

White_knight September 28th, 2008 19:06

try keeping both eyes open.

if you have an aimpoint try this

keep the front cover closed on the aimpint and look through it with your right eye keeping the left closed.

then open the left eye and look towards the target. with both eyes open you will see the dot and the target.

MaikuKun September 28th, 2008 19:07

I was under the impression that the stock would get in the way of that...I'll see how it works out though. Thanks.

Viking September 28th, 2008 20:10

Squint your left eye when you're preparing to make a sighted shot with your right eye. It prevents you from losing that entire left arc and commits your right eye to do the aiming. Give it a go.

Dracheous September 28th, 2008 20:22

Try shooting left, if you're having issues with RDS's and so on, try moving them further down the rail and away from your eye.

MaikuKun September 28th, 2008 21:09

Alright, I'll try these things out. Thanks for the input guys.

MadMorbius September 28th, 2008 21:27


Originally Posted by Viking (Post 829078)
Squint your left eye when you're preparing to make a sighted shot with your right eye. It prevents you from losing that entire left arc and commits your right eye to do the aiming. Give it a go.

Why have you never told me this? LOL

JamesBond_007 September 28th, 2008 21:37

I have the same issue - I haven't found it hard to learn to shoot left handed. Works well for me. Probably try it out in a game and see how it goes.

pipefitter316 September 28th, 2008 22:06

you need to practice using the right eye it will take time but can condition the eye to aim properly the eye is like a muscle with practice you will make the eye stronger, it will take time and alot of bbs but you can do it just be patient. good luck

ThunderCactus September 28th, 2008 23:33

I've got no experience but I'll throw my suggestion in, could you put a big riser on the scope so you can use it with your left eye?

RacingManiac September 29th, 2008 07:49

after reading this I just noticed my habit...I am a right-handed, left-eye dominant guy. I use my GBB with left eye to aim(I use one eye for handgun, never could figure out how some use 2 eyes), but on my rifles I actually noticed I am using my right eye down the sight...

Cushak September 29th, 2008 08:20

I'm similar to you Racing Maniac. With my M4 and RDS, I can keep both eyes open, and the red dot is there. However with my pistol, I have to turn my head so my right eye can no longer see the sights. I'm hoping over the winter I can re train my right eye so I don't have that blind side to my left when my head is turned.

Viking September 29th, 2008 08:44

With a pistol, you can keep both eyes open and make a shot simply by turning your head so your dominent eye gets behind the sights. I shoot right and I'm left eye dominent.

As for rifles, you can use that tip I posted earlier. Or you can spend the time to learn how to shoot on the dominent side. Ideally, you want to be able to shoot from both sides anyway.


Originally Posted by MadMorbius (Post 829122)
Why have you never told me this? LOL

Why have you never asked? LOL

FOX_111 September 29th, 2008 08:51

They should make a scope mount for those kind of people.

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