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MadMax August 20th, 2008 00:05

AI needs help!: translating English to Japanese
I find myself in a bind! I need to have some product descriptions translated to Japanese in short order by a Japanese airsofter. I've only recently come to realize that the Japanese language is complicated by a few different character sets with their own specific applications which are often distinguished by the meaning and/or sound (in original language) and/or loose connection to a similar word (with no connection via meaning) that sounds right in the origin language.

Therefore I really need the help of a native Japanese person who plays airsoft.

Bushing Press:
-Tool for pressing bushings into mechbox
-Presses bushings with correct alignment and firmly
-CNC machined parts

Motor Plate:
-Motor plate that press fits into the bottom end of your AEG motor
-Doesn't fall off and get lost when you take out your AEG motor

Pass this task and collect $40 payable via EMT. Translations will be assessed by a friend who can read and speak Japanese, but doesn't have the airsoft background to write the descriptions themself.

If you want to work for AI providing Japanese translation services shoot me a PM!

Shirley August 20th, 2008 00:11

Wow, get paid just to translate. Damn it!
Why can't I be Japanese!

ILLusion August 20th, 2008 00:14

You can get paid doing anything... it just comes down to how well you can sell yourself.
How well can you convince someone they need something they never knew they needed?

KNIVEZS August 20th, 2008 00:15

- mechboxにブッシュを押すための用具
- を用いるそしてしっかりと出版物のブッシュ正しい直線
- CNCは部品を機械で造った

- あなたのAEGの元口への出版物適合によってが自動車に乗るモーター版
- あなたのAEGモーターを取るとき落ちないし、無くなっている

these is what my friend sent me/not 100% sure

Barf August 20th, 2008 00:15


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 799549)
You can get paid doing anything... it just comes down to how well you can sell yourself.
How well can you convince someone they need something they never knew they needed?

Sounds a lot like prostitution

Ronan August 20th, 2008 00:17


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 799544)
Wow, get paid just to translate. Damn it!
Why can't I be Japanese!

...are you seriously just discovering that now?

OP, passing this to my Japanese buddies.

grantmac August 20th, 2008 00:29

I don't know enough to be confident translating for you, but I can offer a little help:

Hiragana is the native Japanese alphabet, it is phonetic and can be used for most words.

Katakana is the Japanese alphabet used for words borrowed from another language. It is phonetic and a perfect copy of hirigana except for it's use. This is what is used when writing foreigners names, places or items.

Kanji is a pictographic alphabet that was learned from the Chinese and although uses most of the same symbols can have a different meaning and definately a different spoken word associated with it.

I know this doesn't solve your overall problem but it does give you an idea of useage.

I personally think that Katakana would work fairly well for both those items.
Bushing Press: ベアリング プレス
Motor Plate: モタ ぷれーと

Run those by your friend.

mopic August 20th, 2008 01:11

Beware of the repeated use of the term "Bukake" in your translation.

Aquamarine August 20th, 2008 02:37

Kids, online translators don't work for precise things like this.

kullwarrior August 20th, 2008 10:03

yea, I just read the translation (I have about grade 3 level) and it gives me doubt about it. the "IRU" in the end sound alot like translator since that ending is not really used by normal writings.

Crunchmeister August 20th, 2008 10:18

I use online translators pretty regularly. They're good enough to get the general jist of what a piece of text means, and provide acceptable translations for basic communication in general conversation. Depending upon which languages you're translating (their complexity), the results are hit-or-miss. But for general-purpose use, they're decent.

But when looking to translate something more technical, they're not so good. I mean, look at all the Engrish / Chingrish manuals that we get. Sometimes, the translations are so bad that the manuals are useless. Using an online translator to convert English to Japanese would give a translation comparable to that.

Brian McIlmoyle August 20th, 2008 10:54

He needs someone
who CAN do it not 20 people who wish they could.... or a dozen people to offer useless translations done online...

kullwarrior August 20th, 2008 18:38

no offense, but Japanese - English/ English - Japanese Translator in my opinion is crap. If your finding single word its fine but a sentence, NO.

grantmac August 21st, 2008 00:19


Originally Posted by kullwarrior (Post 800063)
no offense, but Japanese - English/ English - Japanese Translator in my opinion is crap. If your finding single word its fine but a sentence, NO.

indeed; great for vocabulary, crap for sentence structure.

DarkAngel August 25th, 2008 14:10

One of my partners is a japanese local, speaks both english and japanese fluently. Gimme a shout if you still need this done.

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