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meracuirason August 7th, 2008 23:31

about the verification thing
im not 18 yet i just wanna know so that when im ready it'll make it easier. in the verification page it says "at a monthly function or at a game" i dont know any fields near where i live and i dont really know what you guys mean by a monthly function so am i limited in just meeting like that or can i just say somewhere specifically a date and time and who to look for? oh and i just noticed im in the wrong section

theguy August 7th, 2008 23:34

there is a list of verrifiers, once your 18 contact one...
and fill in your profile (location .ect)

Crunchmeister August 7th, 2008 23:34

First off, fill out your location in your profile. It makes it easier to give you help when we know where you're located.

As for these "events", depending where you live, there are usually games running every month or every couple of weeks through the summer. Once you're 18, show up at one of these games and you can get to see a lot of the guns. There are pretty much always age-verifiers as these games that can verify you. Otherwise, contact a rep for your area and get verified that way.

theguy August 7th, 2008 23:51

most verifiers wont go to you, you go to them...

theguy August 8th, 2008 00:20


Originally Posted by meracuirason (Post 788780)
well if they give me a date, address, and time then thats good enough for me. I can't wait till 4 years from now. it'll be like in china when i shot that bald kid in the head. (with an airsoft gun of course)

not sure what your trying to say here, but im pretty sure its offensive....

Styrak August 8th, 2008 00:25

You said you're not 18 so it shouldn't be an issue yet.

Danke August 8th, 2008 00:35

If there are no games, fields, players or verifiers near you why worry about getting any airsoft gear?

Mantelope August 8th, 2008 00:45

You're gonna have to wait four years anyway, the situation could be entirely different by then.

Aquamarine August 8th, 2008 11:03


Originally Posted by theguy (Post 788770)
most verifiers wont go to you, you go to them...

Some of us will, if you pay for our time and gasoline. I've even had a douche-bag DEMAND that I somehow owed it to him to drive to his town of Duck Lake to verify him. Needless to say, he will now need to go alllll the way down to Regina. Another three hours South of even me (Duck Lake is about an hour away from me)


Originally Posted by meracuirason (Post 788780)
it'll be like in china when i shot that bald kid in the head. (with an airsoft gun of course)

Pardon me????

Lawdog August 8th, 2008 11:26

I usually have people come to me, but occasionally go to them if it works with my sched. I do lots of people from Markham.

If you are still intereted in four years, and if I am still doing AVs in four years, and you have learned basic english and have grown up a little, feel free to shoot me a pm.


808 August 8th, 2008 11:34


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 788981)
Pardon me????


Crunchmeister August 8th, 2008 11:45

Jesus.... 14.... you made it sound like you were almost 18 (at least that's what I got from the first post). Forget about it for now. Everything may be different in 4 years. Don't worry about it until the time comes.

Aquamarine August 8th, 2008 11:58

I'm still wondering why he shot a Chinese cancer patient in the head with a bb gun though.

Crunchmeister August 8th, 2008 12:01


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 789023)
I'm still wondering why he shot a Chinese cancer patient in the head with a bb gun though.

Yeah. As LD pointed out, if he had a better grasp or writing English, maybe we'd understand the point he was making.

Phalanix August 8th, 2008 12:17

Oh, how I love ASC...

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