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CupidStunt July 20th, 2008 20:54

CA Mp5 a5
Hey, I have a question about the CA Mp5 a5. I want to buy it but I dont

know what one to buy, the colapsable stock, or the solid stock. Colapsable

stock can well, colapse, but the solid holds a large type battery. Do large

type batters give more of a RPM? What is the B&T version? Is it just mean it

has the B&T logo? and finally, what is the SD6 or SD5 version? Thanks in

advance and I have done lots of reseach


amano999 July 20th, 2008 21:03

I have a A5 and I just carry a extra mini in case I run out of power. Depends on how much you shoot too.

Finding one will be harder and CA mp5's tend to be fairly pricey too.

CupidStunt July 20th, 2008 21:07


Originally Posted by amano999 (Post 772164)
I have a A5 and I just carry a extra mini in case I run out of power. Depends on how much you shoot too.

Finding one will be harder and CA mp5's tend to be fairly pricey too.

that answered nothing I asked but thanks anyways :D :D :D

Roughneck July 20th, 2008 21:18

slither stocks tend to wobble when extended. I prefer the full stock because its solid and also holds the large battery. Unless you plan on one handing your MP5.. I'd personally go for the full stock

CupidStunt July 20th, 2008 21:20


Originally Posted by Spencer (Post 772178)
slither stocks tend to wobble when extended. I prefer the full stock because its solid and also holds the large battery. Unless you plan on one handing your MP5.. I'd personally go for the full stock

ok, but does the large type battery give a higher rate of fire

amano999 July 20th, 2008 21:21

It will help you maintain the ROF longer, but if shouldn't affect the ROF.

Muffin July 20th, 2008 21:26


Originally Posted by amano999 (Post 772183)
It will help you maintain the ROF longer, but if shouldn't affect the ROF.

Ya the size of battery doesn't affect the ROF, the voltage does.

NovaKaynE July 20th, 2008 22:05

If you get the full stock version, I think the mechbox will be wired to the back. So you can store the battery inside the stock. If you get the collapsing stock, it will most likely be wired to the front. Which means you will have to store the battery in the fore grip/hand guard. Know this, if the gun is wired to the front, you can still mod it with a full stock. But you won't be able to store the battery in the stock, it will have to be stored in the fore grip. The only problem with this method is your battery size is limited to how big your fore grip is. Whereas a full stock will accommodate any battery you choose.

You can also buy a fore grip with the built in flashlight. So with the quick pop of two pins, you can turn your MP5 from a full size MP5 into a more compact weapon.

The MP5 SD5 is the full size MP5 with a silencer and the MP5 SD6 is the MP5 with a collapsing stock and silencer. Just type all the gun descriptions in google images and you'll see.

CupidStunt July 20th, 2008 22:05


Originally Posted by Muffin (Post 772187)
Ya the size of battery doesn't affect the ROF, the voltage does.

Really? Then why is my ROF with a 8.4 3800mah higher than my friends 8.4 1100mah?

Cheesevillage July 20th, 2008 22:24

Misinformation flies...

Higher mah and nice cells does increase ROF. Trigger response is much better, too.

I have a TM MP5A4. Buy the fullstock and a nice battery - GP celled 3300 or higher/sanyo/intellect.

In three years my battery has died once. I probably charge it once every 3 outings.

NovaKaynE July 20th, 2008 22:31


Originally Posted by Cheesevillage (Post 772248)
Misinformation flies...

Higher mah and nice cells does increase ROF. Trigger response is much better, too.

I have a TM MP5A4. Buy the fullstock and a nice battery - GP celled 3300 or higher/sanyo/intellect.

In three years my battery has died once. I probably charge it once every 3 outings.

Is it that one that's being sold on eHobby? I have two of them...nice batteries.

Muffin July 20th, 2008 22:40

From my experience the only thing that has effected rof is the battery voltage, and mah was the capacity of the cells.
So I guess a higher mah battery would maintain its rof longer?

Cheesevillage July 20th, 2008 22:43

Extreme example:

600 mah 8.4v mini vs 8.4v 4200 mah large. Same gun.

One will feel sluggish.

EDIT: I'm no expert in the field of batteries but I have seen the advantages of large batteries.
Buy the full stock and a nice large battery.

CupidStunt July 20th, 2008 22:48


Originally Posted by NovaKaynE (Post 772261)
Is it that one that's being sold on eHobby? I have two of them...nice batteries.

could I have a link?

CupidStunt July 21st, 2008 09:51

I SAID! Could I pretty please have the link to the sexy batt of yours

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