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Saint_blackhand June 9th, 2008 20:18

Russian troop impression
Hi there guys,
I like these pictures and I guess that they would go in this section,
Couple things:
I don't have a Balistic vest for this kit, tho I would get one if I knew where to get one.
I don't know what or if the tipical russian troop uses as a sidearm.

Any positive comments are very welcome, negitive not so much.

pawscal June 9th, 2008 20:21

Are those Snap-on gloves russian issue LOL

seabass June 9th, 2008 20:26

There was a thread on red alliance all about not wearing that Beret, If i get time to look it up I'll link you. Good to see some airsofters that are in to russian kits, there arent nearly enough posts in this section...

Diabolic Tyrant June 10th, 2008 16:44


Originally Posted by Saint_blackhand (Post 738769)
Hi there guys,
I like these pictures and I guess that they would go in this section,
Couple things:
I don't have a Balistic vest for this kit, tho I would get one if I knew where to get one.
I don't know what or if the tipical russian troop uses as a sidearm.

Any positive comments are very welcome, negitive not so much.

Sorry to nitpick but i love the Russian army and I can see a few mistakes already. #1: Being the Beret. Most of the Time they dont wear berets but when they do its a blue beret. and they dont work those patterned scarves unless they want to wear a shemagh in combat (Which they usually wont). And most of their guns (In combat) dont have wood parts on them (From what ive seen) just straight up metal and plastic. and no suppressors (unless spec op, which they usually use the AKs-74u silenced). and hmmm Snap on? Mother Russia gone North American? :P im not sure what gloves they use, from what ive heard its what ever they can dig up. And their pistol is the Makarov PM pistol.

Kokanee June 10th, 2008 17:01


Originally Posted by Diabolic Tyrant (Post 739448)
.....And most of their guns (In combat) dont have wood parts on them (From what ive seen) just straight up metal and plastic. .....

Obviously you aren't aware of the massive problems the USSR (and later on the Russian Federation) had with getting all their troops the newest rifles.

The vast majority of units still have many AKM rifles kicking around, if not because of lack of replacements then because the older 7.62x39mm round is favoured over the newer 5.45 round.

And get your own damned sig pic, I spent a whole ten minutes making that in pshop while drinking jack... It has sentimental value.

Disco_Dante June 10th, 2008 17:06


Originally Posted by Diabolic Tyrant (Post 739448)
And their pistol is the Makarov PM pistol.

The Makarov was replaced a long time ago. The Russian Federation has had a lot of trouble updating many of its second tier units however, but you won't find combat troops toting an issued Makarov.

Saint_blackhand June 10th, 2008 18:44

So as I am to understand basic troops don't carry a side arm.

I use what I have, I like the romanian style 47 because that what I like. Suppressors are the sexy and scary, if someone has a suppressor you know he is there to kill you, if he has a drum mag and suppressor he is there to kill your whole family! I person carry 5 steel mags plus a drum for fun.

I wear a shemagh because I like having a neck and face. I like the beret but I will try and find a blue one. I also wear gloves because I like having fingers and as I have have seen on a few sites if they can find gloves there wear them. I found the snap on glove my roommate gave me.

Also I heard that the aksu-74 is not well liked, and is a common urban weapon, I play in the woods. Also bigger bullet is more deadly.

Thanks to everyone with something to say.

Also does anyone know what body armor to wear and where to get it?

Motaal June 10th, 2008 19:45

Im not sure there issued Armour at a Scale like western Countries, Former soviet BLock countries and Asian/African Countries have massive armies and cannot supply regular forces with body Armour.

beastor June 11th, 2008 07:05

I like it Saint_blackhand!

A nice loadout, I have a couple of Russian loadouts also which I will be posting here in the future (and one last year which seems to have disapeared from this section)

As the previous threads stated, not 100% accurate, but its nice to see this kind of fun loadout instead of all the western style loadouts you see at games (no offence meant, I have a few Western country loadouts myself)

Reminds me of the goon Russian bad guys from Call of Duty 4.

I have the same type of gas mask, how on earth you can stand to wear it is beyond me! I tried wearing it myself: Hellish! You are a brave man (it does look kind of cool I have to admit, a nice change from the safety glasses)

zuka June 11th, 2008 08:11

YouTube - Spetsnaz "Vitjaz" training

watch this. I hope you speak Russian .red berets are internal forces specznaz
the final exam to become one of them is fight .

I guess you did not run in this gas mask 3km. I don't want to even touch it :))

i don't think wearing red beret and red gloves during the game is a good idea.

see you on our side dude

Diabolic Tyrant June 12th, 2008 22:09


Originally Posted by Kokanee (Post 739472)
Obviously you aren't aware of the massive problems the USSR (and later on the Russian Federation) had with getting all their troops the newest rifles.

The vast majority of units still have many AKM rifles kicking around, if not because of lack of replacements then because the older 7.62x39mm round is favoured over the newer 5.45 round.

And get your own damned sig pic, I spent a whole ten minutes making that in pshop while drinking jack... It has sentimental value.

You serious? You made that sig? i Found it on google images linking to some military page. Ok ill change it. Ill see what i can dig up :p

KNIVEZS June 12th, 2008 22:15

wow, you look really good, what type of silencer is that

Relja June 12th, 2008 22:24

For pistols you could use any 9mm pistol, they use one similar to a p226 I think. It looked like that on BF2. I dont know if its what is standard issue, but i know that they use 9mm as a pistol round. Also you could get an AK bayonet.

Mitchell12 June 12th, 2008 22:32

I thought Russians tied their boots?

Coma June 12th, 2008 23:58

Shemaugh and gloves are not standard Scale of Issue. Nice find on the M22 vest though. You may want to add a duty belt to it for grenades, gas mask bag, etc.

A nice start for a Russian impression! I highly recommend that you begin to frequent the Red Alliance forums if you don't already. Some great ideas and kits that you would like.

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