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KhaosGott May 31st, 2008 21:28

Eating BBs? Random question!
So I was talking with my girlfriend, and we came upon the question:

Has anyone ever eaten a BB, either on purpose or by accident?

Let's hear your stories.

spacemoose May 31st, 2008 21:31

inbefore the guy with missing tooth photo.

Gigaknight May 31st, 2008 21:31

Umm, wth?
I'd like to think that it would pass through your GI with little to no problems unless you at a bag full, I'm not too sure how your body would react to the lube though...

cablackfire May 31st, 2008 21:36

Never like swallowed one, but for some reason I bit one just to see how strong the bio-degrade ones where, dont ask why I did it, just did.

kalnaren May 31st, 2008 21:43

I have a bowl of them for breakfest before each game. I think I prefer my cheerios.

cablackfire May 31st, 2008 21:46


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 731751)
I have a bowl of them for breakfest before each game. I think I prefer my cheerios.

with or without milk?

Bowers May 31st, 2008 21:49

thread fail

Armandhammer May 31st, 2008 22:10

If you did eat a BB, what would happen anyways?

Wilson May 31st, 2008 22:11


Originally Posted by Armandhammer (Post 731773)
If you did eat a BB, what would happen anyways?

A kitten dies.

Disco_Dante May 31st, 2008 22:17


Originally Posted by Armandhammer (Post 731773)
If you did eat a BB, what would happen anyways?

You would poop it out.

Armandhammer May 31st, 2008 22:18

NEW THREAD TITLE: If you did eat a BB, what would happen?

Kos-Mos May 31st, 2008 22:31

I can tell you.

Well, I never hate any, but both my cat and my ferret did.

They can't hold from running around the house after some bbs that felt to the ground. Eventually they catch it... and eat it.

I can tell you one thing that my father told me when I started pooping on the toilet:

What ever goes in, it will go out soon enought.

End of the story. There is not hyper-unstable chemicals involved in the process, no belly-detonation or anything.

Ronan May 31st, 2008 22:45


Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers (Post 731757)
thread fail


Jimski May 31st, 2008 22:50

here is what happens

Moderate May 31st, 2008 23:01

You are what you eat...if you eat a bb you turn into Barbie or Ken (depending on gender).

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