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silent_recon May 28th, 2008 18:44

charging batteries with deans clips?
hey guys, i recently recieved a CA m15 SPR in a trade, and it came with a battery with deans clips, just wondering what i have to buy to charge my battery

also, when fireing this afternoon, about 3 bb's got stuck in the chamber/hopup, and now the gearbox wont move, any suggestions

Styrak May 28th, 2008 18:51

Get a deans charger adapter. Is it that hard to figure out?

As for the you have an unjamming rod? If not maybe you need to take it to a gun doctor if you don't know what you're doing.

silent_recon May 28th, 2008 19:06

yeah i got the bb's out with the unjamming rod, but now the gearbox is seized, and i'm not sure if its because the battery needs to be charged

CDN_Stalker May 28th, 2008 20:09

Good chance. If your motor torques a bit, rather like a click every time you pull the trigger, then your battery is most likely dead if you haven't charged it.

Danke May 28th, 2008 21:37

Some bigger hobby shops will have a Deans plug with a pigtail already soldered on if you're not in the mood to do it.

Kos-Mos May 28th, 2008 23:17

I can make you one for 10$ + shipping.

silent_recon May 29th, 2008 01:47

ok koksmos, i'll take one

and yeah, my motor turns fine when its not attatched to the gearbox, but when i attatch it, i get a click

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