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Daiviet May 13th, 2008 11:59

need an opinion in gun colour
Hey guys, I'm getting myself a Star Scar however i'm debating whether I should get the Black or the Tan version. What are your guys opinions? I'll be using multicam bdu's for those who want to know the overall look.

Syn May 13th, 2008 12:03


TrueTGN May 13th, 2008 12:03

If you're going for a multicam/tan/khaki/cb look then why not start off witha Tan Scar? I'd prefer black myself to start as the majority of places to play are wood'd and dark coloured.

But really it comes down to personal preference.

THEDRAVEN May 13th, 2008 12:26

the tan is very very nice!

Jester200SX May 13th, 2008 12:30

I just ordered the VFC version in tan. Most of the area around where I play is forest so it doesn't exactly blend very well. But I figure I'm just doing this for fun, so why not go with what I like better? Sure the black would have been more practical for where I play, but I don't like the way it looks as much.

Crunchmeister May 13th, 2008 14:02

Personally, I don't get the point of getting anything in tan to play airsoft in Canada. Last I checked, we had no sand deserts here. IMO, it makes people stick out in the woods more than it blends them in.

Fly 9 May 13th, 2008 14:22


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 717314)
Personally, I don't get the point of getting anything in tan to play airsoft in Canada. Last I checked, we had no sand deserts here. IMO, it makes people stick out in the woods more than it blends them in.

Ever been to Alberta or BC?

Crunchmeister May 13th, 2008 14:30

Well, the majority of the country, I'm speaking of... Woodland games + desert camo and tan guns don't mix well.

jtjcheng May 13th, 2008 14:37

I agree with Crunchmeister...I found that black or OD can blend in the woods the best...unless you play in the open terrain...where no wood is around or basically a dryland...

there are maybe someplace in BC like that, but BC is really famous for I don't think that you'll have many choices...

Silent_Angel May 13th, 2008 15:52

or you could paint it (please don't kill me)
how will the polymer stand up to gun paint?

Danke May 13th, 2008 16:03

There's way more brown than black out here.

Daiviet May 13th, 2008 16:07

thanks for all the input guys, but TrueTGN andCrunchmeister made a good point. Tan stands out way too much and although it looks nice, black is more practical. That, and if I ever wanted to paint it in the future having black as a base is easier to paint on than tan. Firsthand experience on that.

So yea, I'm getting the black one. Thanks guys.

Crunchmeister May 13th, 2008 16:11

If I was going to paint a gun, I would start with a black base, and paint it camo to match the region I play in the most. Personally, I'm not a fan of painted guns in general. I have the OD painted furniture on my C8, but that's to match the service gun I'm trying to replicate...

Zekk05 May 13th, 2008 16:22

tan blends in a helluva lot better than black does. black doesnt occur naturally in nature.

In the prairies, theres only 2 or 3 months of heavy green foliage to play in. The rest of the year is dead, or dieing bush (spring and fall), in which tan works very well. Using Arid CADPAT with my tan SCAR is very effective at this time of year in Manitoba. Mind you, here we play from February/March till November, so we play in an asortment of environments. (Heck, we even had a game in January!)

Syn May 13th, 2008 17:31

If you are really concerned about blending you could always get gun camo wrap.

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