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Lucrius May 9th, 2008 15:20

New Marine Uniforms
In some newer pictures, some Marines, deployed in Iraq have been seen wearing (Top and Bottom) A sort of Tan-drab uniform... Does anyone know what this is and why they have it? Only some do, and it seems as it is only on the Tunic and Pants. I am confused as to what it is and why some are wearing it... any information would be a help to my question.

Snow_Raven May 9th, 2008 15:46

Would that be the Nomex flightsuits?

sorry for the bad picture, theres allot of them around but I couldn't be bothered.

Lucrius May 9th, 2008 15:48

Yes, So I assume that these are embedded Airmen?

-Skeletor- May 9th, 2008 15:49

Lot of troops are wearing them now as they are more flame resistant than their other uniforms. An no, they are not Airman, the troops in the pics you've seen could be Infantrymen, MPs, etc.

You think these look rediculus an unprofessional? Give your head a shake please, they are at war and are doing what they can to protect their troops. Injuries due to flash burns, fire etc are high over there due to IEDs, vehicles on fire, etc.

Lucrius May 9th, 2008 16:15

I know how it is over there.. I am waiting for my deployment. I understand the need for flame retardant clothing, however I was unaware as to the type of uniform being worn. It is not impossible to create the digital pattern with flame retardant material, OE Tech's wear them. I guess it is just a question of mass production. The necessity has become more clear with the use of Body armour.

H-G May 9th, 2008 16:29

If you don't know what you're talking about, don't slander my nation's military.

You clearly don't by the way.

Lucrius May 9th, 2008 16:33

There is no 'slandering' going on. I clearly am asking anyone to enlighten me on something I have noticed. Why would you bother to tell me I do not know anything? I am clearly asking for someone to tell me. In regards to your information, thank you, that diagram is perfect, and completely answer's my query. As for not 'knowing anything' I would ask where you could create that assumption?
Speak for yourself, that 'Nation' is mine as well.

SINN May 9th, 2008 16:55

An American in the QOR? HG is American...and a gangster rapper.

Lucrius May 9th, 2008 17:01

I am not questioning his nationality, merely stating that he can't defend his assuming that mine can only be something different..

lupo May 9th, 2008 19:51

They could be flightsuits or just 2 piece nomex bdu's. The us uses nomex for flight suits aswell as armor crews. Just because they make nomex marpat dosent mean they have enough to get to troops , they could have a ton of tan nomex in storage and its just easier to get it to guys being deployed who knows.

Drake May 9th, 2008 21:08

the FROG stuff (and newer FROG II) is for regular Marines. Not sure how much use it actually gets, I don't recall seeing many pictures of people wearing it except one instance of someone wearing that cammie top (I wouldn't mind one).

The flightsuit (either tan or sage) is sometimes worn by Force Recon and FAST (Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team). It's the standard CWU-27/P Aircrew Flight Suit made of nomex, usually worn in conjunction with nomex flight gloves and a nomex flash hood. The nomex kit is worn in CQB scenarios to protect against flash burns. The flightsuits have been reclassified as FROG II.

Additional ways of distinguishing FR personnel from regular Marines is by their body armor; while most Marines wear the Interceptor body armor (in Coyote Brown), FR typically wear either the CIRAS or a PACA low profile soft armor in conjunction with the MBSS plate carrier.

redhawk_six May 9th, 2008 21:43

USMC engineers use the flightsuit, better flash protection, not just Force Recon. Other marines also use the flightsuits, normally those at high risk of being attacked by IEDs or other explosive devices. Also, the interceptor is being phased out, in fact, it's becoming rare to see a deployed marine using an interceptor. It's been replaced by the PPI MTV, designed by PPI, manufactured by Eagle.

Lucrius May 10th, 2008 11:25

Thanks guys, all this information is great. Solving the visual riddle that is the odd coloured suits some marines are seen in.

Brit ter May 10th, 2008 11:29

Don,t forget the two piece tan hot weather flight suit worn in black hawk down, I have seen pics of Jar heads wearing these also!

Jimisin73 September 22nd, 2008 10:24

Don't be shocked if you see pics of SEAL, SWCC and or the new Maritime units in Iraq (non-SWCC Riverine forces) using these as well - I've got reports from the sandbox saying that's the case...

It all boils down to the fact that the "new" uniforms (MARPAT / ACU) were not originally designed to be a fire reistant as needed. The flightsuits are a stopgap "field expediant" measure until stuff like the new FROG II gear shown above can make their way to troops on the front lines...

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