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Jar|-|ead May 2nd, 2008 23:32

NSW VBSS Mk18 Mod 0
This project was in the works for 8 months.Acquiring the right parts and such took most of the time.I tried to replicate the REAL STEEL Mk18 Mod 0,but i added my own flavor into it.So lets not waste anymore time.Here it is:

Tribute to some fallen Navy Seals the inspire most of us.Here is the wiki link
Mk18 Mod 0 used by NAVSPECWAR (Naval Special Warfare) operators


The M4 and M16 are not ideally suited for all missions, so it was proposed that the modularity of the M16 series would allow a user to replace the upper receiver of an existing weapon with one more suitable to the task. One of two proposed special mission receivers that were planned for inclusion into the SOPMOD Block II kit, the CQBR has taken off on its own. Like the proposed Special Purpose Receiver, the Close Quarters Battle Receiver has been more or less taken on by the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division (often referred to as NSWC-Crane or just "Crane") as its own project following the CQBR's removal from the SOPMOD program. Just as the Special Purpose Receiver morphed into the Special Purpose Rifle, and was type-classified as Mk 12 Mod 0/1, the complete CQBR-equipped carbine has been type-classified as the Mk 18 Mod 0.

The purpose of the CQBR remains to provide operators with a weapon of submachine gun size, but firing a rifle cartridge, for scenarios such as VIP protection, urban warfare, and other close quarters battle (CQB) situations. The CQBR is designed to provide improvement over previous AR-15/M16-type weapons in this category. The CQBR is usually issued as a complete weapon system, and not just an upper receiver. The CQBR was once only available to Naval Special Warfare units, but the Mk 18 Mod 0 has become general issue for Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure (VBSS) missions. NCIS agents deploying to active combat zones are also issued the Mk 18 as of summer 2006.

The short 10.3 in (262 mm) barrel length requires special modifications to reliably function. The gas port is opened from 0.062 to 0.070 in (0.16 to 0.18 mm). A one-piece McFarland gas ring replaces the three-piece gas ring set. The standard 4-coil extractor spring is replaced with a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) 5-coil spring. An O-ring surrounds the extractor spring.


- Upper and lower receivers: The lower receiver is a Colt M16A1 (Straight not curved under the front pin).Upper receiver is a M4A1 has the C & B trade just under neat the top rail.Both parts are made from TM.The grip is a G&P M16A1 grip with the Heat-sink motor plate.Plus the rear sling adapter is VFC CQD Sling Mount which is replicated from the CQD RSM sling adapter plate.Magazine catch,trigger guard and charging handle is by King Arms.Engraving stamp done by djbordie.

- Sights: Initially, detachable carrying handles cut down so that only the rear sight assembly was used. However, most of these have been replaced with the similar, commercially-made Lewis Machine & Tool adjustable rear sight. Also seen is the Real Aimpoint CompM2 in a Wilcox Industries Corp. 30mm aimpoint mount.

- Stock: A variety of M4 retractable buttstocks are used on a standard 4-position receiver extension. Most often seen is the SOPMOD stock, often referred to as the "Crane stock", created by Dave Armstrong of NSWC-Crane. The angled stock offers better cheekweld as well as providing two storage compartments for spare batteries. The stock must be removed from the weapon to access the storage compartments. The initial run of stocks was made by NSWC-Crane from glass fiber polymer. Because of this, they were somewhat fragile and did not always properly lock into the receiver extension. A rubber band was used to secure the latch so it would not slide out of the desired position. The current SOPMOD stocks are made by Lewis Machine & Tools and have none of the problems. But here you see the G&P Crane Stock & Buffer tube modified to look like the OLD LMT Crane Sopmod Stock.

- Barrel: The Mk18 uses a standard 1:7 in (178 mm) twist M4 barrel that has been reduced in length to 10.3 in (262 mm). The diameter of the barrel under the handguards is 1.17 in (29.7 mm). The KAC M4-QD flash suppressor is fitted, allowing use of the KAC QDSS-NT4 suppressor (National Stock Number 1005-01-437-0324). Although it has a bayonet lug, the CQBR is not meant to be fitted with one. The one here is 10.3" custom barrel.

- Handguards: The standard handguard for the CQBR is the Knight's Armament Company Rail Interface System (M4 Carbine RIS; National Stock Number 1005-01-416-1089), which is designed for a variety of barrel profiles and allows for the use of any MIL-STD-1913 tactical accessories such as the VFC AN/PEQ-2 and vertical forward grip. The weapon light is Surefire M951XM07 Millennium Universal WeaponLight System Dual Thumbscrew Mount/M49 with the FM63 Infrared Filter plus the XM07 Tailcap Switch Assembly.

Here are some final pictures:

  • Systema Turbo Set with the Systema M120 Spring,Deepfire Titanium Piston Head and Systema Silent Head Set
  • 9.6v 1700mah NIMH Crane Style Battery
  • TM 2-piece hop up unit with Systema Hop up rubber
  • Systema Tightbore Inner Barrel 6.03 (247mm)

Comments,Flames and your 0.02 cents.Thanks for looking :D

FOX_111 May 2nd, 2008 23:36

Nice. I love the small details that make it look authentic. Like the blue number markings.

Krookedatmosphere May 2nd, 2008 23:55

Looks damn nice love the list on what to say
need to get one of those
where did you find that

Jar|-|ead May 3rd, 2008 00:02

Thanks. Yeah picture were taken at 2am. Plus im not a photo expert. The engravings cost $20 straight. You just have to bring him the vector file (.ai). He might still have it if not i've got it still. I just started to make it out off scrap. Btw thats the AEG version wait till the PTW version. Im just waiting on some parts.

Yuu May 3rd, 2008 00:37

Very well done.

dockronixion May 3rd, 2008 01:48

this thought came into my head multiple time while i was looking at those pics: Did this guy fuck up and accidently post pics of his gun on an airsoft forum or is it just awesome

xandrewx May 3rd, 2008 01:54

lookin good :)

RiteOff May 3rd, 2008 08:18

Looks awesome, we should get ours together for a proper photo shoot

Jar|-|ead May 3rd, 2008 13:18

Thanks guys. Im still thinking about should i paint it up or leave it black. Yeah riteoff we should sometime.

RiteOff May 3rd, 2008 13:54

im in the same boat right now, paint does look the buisness if dont well but all the time getting all the pieces and then hosin them down especially with the engraved body....

KNIVEZS May 3rd, 2008 14:20

wow, looks really nice very authentic

sarcastro May 3rd, 2008 17:18

Nicely done, all the Mk 18's I've seen have been left black- having said that however, from a distance I wouldn't know if something was a CQB or MK 18 and I may very well have seen a Mk 18 painted and not recognized it as such.

SDS_ShooterMcGavin May 3rd, 2008 19:11

Nice gun man!

Jar|-|ead May 4th, 2008 00:36

Thanks. I think I'll just leave it black. I'll paint in it in the future but anytime soon.

ILLusion May 5th, 2008 00:02

Really nice piece.

What's the difference between the mk18 mod0 and the CQB-R?

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