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Comrade Jeff Jamison April 26th, 2008 08:35

I'm thinking about buying the VSR-10 Marui Clone from

There's one that comes with the scope or one that comes without the scope, so I was wondering: Is the scope that comes with the rifle any good? Cause if it isn't im just going to buy the one without the scope and go down to Wal-Mart and buy a $40.00 scope.

Secondly: If i do go down to Wal-Mart and buy a scope there, will it fit onto the rail?

Drache April 26th, 2008 11:11

the scope that comes with those clones is utter crap!

Skladfin April 26th, 2008 11:41


Originally Posted by Drache (Post 704123)
the scope that comes with those clones is utter crap!


Muffin April 26th, 2008 12:00

You just need scope rings that will fit a 20mm rail, which is very common. However, i doubt you can get the rings there. Any hunting/fishing(S.I.R.) store should have them.

Comrade Jeff Jamison April 29th, 2008 16:50


Originally Posted by Muffin (Post 704153)
You just need scope rings that will fit a 20mm rail, which is very common. However, i doubt you can get the rings there. Any hunting/fishing(S.I.R.) store should have them.

really? how much are they about?

CDN_Stalker April 29th, 2008 17:33

$30-50 maybe for decent ones? Make sure you buy high mounts, helps you get a good cheek weld and use the scope properly without having your goggles shoved to one side, and will help give good clearance if you choose to buy a scop ewith a 40-50mm objective lens. BTW, the ring base yo uwant is commonly referred to as "Weaver", you might get asked, you might not, depending who yo uare dealig with for help and the leve of their experience. Chances are Walmart employees won't even know what the #x## means as far as scopes go. One doesn't have to be head cashier at Walmart to know what scopes and binoc's specs are, pretty simple, first number is the zoom power (magnification), and the second is the objective lese (the front one). If it's 3-9x40, then it's 3 to 9 magnification (variable) with a 40mm lense at the front. Objective lense size, get no less than 40mm, it gives a good field of view (# of feet side to side at 100yards), and lets in more light, easier to use and better picture.

gunner552 July 10th, 2008 22:41

Well, if you want a decent scope, order from Hong Kong.
I bought a Tasco Red/Green Illumnated scope, 3-9x40 from there, $29.99 I'm sure it's alot more than that here.

andthenhewent September 4th, 2008 20:47

all right what is the best scope you have ever used by far?

Tech September 4th, 2008 20:49


Originally Posted by andthenhewent (Post 810426)
all right what is the best scope you have ever used by far?


Muffin September 4th, 2008 20:58


Originally Posted by andthenhewent (Post 810426)
all right what is the best scope you have ever used by far?

One that works?
I use a Bushnell.

Gunny_McSmith September 4th, 2008 21:44

just buy one of they are about 20$ (30$ shipped) from Hong Kong,China or Australia, they are TAsco, bushnell replicas, they work fine for airsoft, and they come with mounts for weaver rails...!

WingZER0 September 5th, 2008 10:21


Originally Posted by andthenhewent (Post 810426)
all right what is the best scope you have ever used by far?

....... Look into a Schmidt and Bender.

seventhsealairsoft September 5th, 2008 19:13


Originally Posted by andthenhewent (Post 810426)
all right what is the best scope you have ever used by far?

Leapold on my remington 700 300mag

grantmac September 6th, 2008 03:58

Nightforce are also very nice.

Shirley September 6th, 2008 04:29

Why spend hundreds of dollars for a scope when airsoft guns can only shoot around 100 feet? A sniper rifle can do a bit more, and I'm sure it won't shoot up to where you zoom.

Sure you can use it to scope and look for the other team, but any cheap replicas do as good..

Bleh, I guess it's to show off? :p

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