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Phatric April 2nd, 2008 01:25

I'm not too in-the-know with respect to what's 'good' or 'cool' in the world of gear. I always just bought gear that seemed decent and functional at the surplus store. Never foot wear though...

I saw a lot of 5.11 gear online and in catalogues.....where do i purchase?! I never see the option to buy...

TokyoSeven April 2nd, 2008 01:34

Is this the company you speak off? It appears you can buy directly from this website.

Also here is a list retailers that carry 5.11 gear.

There appears to be a few in Ontario that maybe close to you.

Amazing KG3 April 2nd, 2008 02:00

I use alot of 5.11 gear at work. I have slash gloves, sun glasses, knife, hat, and i have a pair of the 5.11 tactical pants for myself off work. I swear by them. Very good company. Would have got the boots, but they were sold out, had to get Magnums.

I get all my stuff from 911 supply in Calgary.

Airmax April 2nd, 2008 03:24

+1 on the 5.11

I have bought many items of the 5.11 brand and just recently bought an long range sling for my heavy ICS rifle. There adjustable on the fly and very well made as well as there many other items of the 5.11 brand. Dave's surplus in New west carries this brand.
hope this helps

Phatric April 2nd, 2008 09:11

^^^Thanks guys... I appreciate it.

I didn't know if this company only sold to law enforcement or us (me) civies...

sounds like they do.... awesome.

Rico April 2nd, 2008 10:40

Get their tactical cargo pants (I have the ripstop nylon). Best pants ever.

Farmboy April 2nd, 2008 12:56

Gordon Contract in Toronto is a 5.11 distributor.

HELLFIRE989 April 2nd, 2008 15:00

Army Surplus in Kelowna B.c is a 5.11 full line authorized dealer as well and we are in the works of having 5.11 products linked to our new Metal Tech web store.

JoeyJackhammer April 2nd, 2008 19:06

I have the 8 inch 5.11 ATAC side-zip boots are they're amazing. Light, tough and takes 5 seconds to put on, or take off. I wouldn't hesistate to buy anything with 5.11 on it after getting these boots.

Andres April 2nd, 2008 19:09

I got 5.11 boots, shirt, pants and gloves, and they're all terrific.

Non Credo April 2nd, 2008 19:34

I like the Blackhawks better for their design, however, I must admit that in terms of quality I'd go 5.11. A few weeks ago, while airsofting, and I went low on a door, kneeling down and poking around a corner.... My Blackhawk pants ripped open from the crotch to my right knee. I duct taped them up, and played the rest of the night, and felt lucky that I hadnt gone commando that day. My 5.11s have never failed me. I just like that the Blackhawks have pistol mag/flashlight pouches inside the lower pockets.

damage April 3rd, 2008 03:20

I use 5.11 accessories with my Blackwater B.A.S. Plate carrier. 5.11 products are awesome.

Gunk April 3rd, 2008 04:05

Is there somewhere in KW that sells 5.11?

Edit: Never mind...

Farmboy April 3rd, 2008 08:30

KW ?

Gunk April 3rd, 2008 09:39


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