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O'Neill April 1st, 2008 01:19

The stats behind airsoft guns?
Hello I have recently become re-interested in Airsoft so I am trying to figure out what I want.

I am thinking CO2 guns for the allegedly realistic pullback, but I ask would a electric airsoft gun have this/same/more amount of realism? Realism is what I am trying to aim for in my purchase though if like in paintball guns if the canister sticks out all inconvenient like...... Where does the C02 canister go in gas guns?

Also range, studies in the Soviet Union (they did them first) back in the late 40's suggested that the vast majority of all armed combat under military conditions took place at 300 yards or was it meters? *checks wikipedia* Okay meters. So i ask how accurately in your experience can you fire an airsoft round and which type of gun is best for it? (Spring, CO2, Electric)


The Acer April 1st, 2008 01:22

for pistols gas-blow-back are the way to go
however for a full sized rifle, u probably will have to make due without the recoil,
also the range on these are 200feet tops, with upgraded, usually range varies from 100feet to 150feet

W0lf April 1st, 2008 01:23

Your best bet is an electric primary with a gas sidearm. And most airsoft combat is done within 400 meters. Remember that bullets get propulsion from explosions, it's hard to match that range and keep it a safe sport.

EDIT: I meant feet, not meters.

O'Neill April 1st, 2008 01:26

why should I go with an electric rifle in contrast to a gas rifle? Does the electric have more range/realism or are there other reasons? Like cost?

The Acer April 1st, 2008 01:31

at this moment there arent really any gas rifles, (i.e. maruzen MP5) there are a couple but they dont recoil also u dont have selection unlike the electric, so u might just as well go with electric one,
also the cost of running an electric are much lower than gas

W0lf April 1st, 2008 01:31

Playability mainly. For a primary to run on gas means you're not going to be doing a whole lot. Electric is the standard for the main reason that batteries last the longest and require less work after getting started.

It'd be very "unrealistic" if you had to worry about not only how much ammo you have, but also how many times you can reload before it doesn't matter.

Would you rather have the bolt blow back after each shot or be able to reload more than 4 times?

O'Neill April 1st, 2008 01:34

Good point, is this an issue with pistols? Or are they easier to service?

The Acer April 1st, 2008 01:37

also like to point out there are snipers that are gas power, and shotgun the M1100 is really cool how the shells eject out for realism

O'Neill April 1st, 2008 01:41

For now I'm looking for a realistic looking Kalishnikov :)

Donster April 1st, 2008 21:11

i have seen this for awhile. you might like the idea of a CO2 gun. i dunno.

ThunderCactus April 1st, 2008 22:02

The mag usually holds double it's actual BB capacity worth of gas. Meaning it has 22 rounds, but has gas to fire 40. Depending on the weather lol
And there are CO2 pistols as well,. the CO2 canister just fits into the magazine.

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