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Mr.SMIG March 20th, 2008 23:49

Kraken piston head
What piston head and clyinder with fit in a kraken ak47? thinking of upgrading mine. also anything else to put into it?

CadetCatastrophe March 21st, 2008 00:06

Ummm im assuming its a V2 Gearbox?... so any V2 Gearboc Piston head and Cylinder?...

AXe Hound March 21st, 2008 00:24

v3 piston head

pusangani March 21st, 2008 00:25

its actually ver.3 gearbox, so V3 Gearbox Piston head and Cylinder, i was thinking of some upgrades but the FPS is high on this gun so you don't really wanna mess with that, more just to make it more durable and maybe increase the ROF etc.

Mr.SMIG March 21st, 2008 00:26

Yeah I just wanted to make it more durable. Not really looking for more power.

pusangani March 21st, 2008 00:28

don't quote me or anything as I know very little about gearboxes, but i think changing the shims/shimming or something like that is supposed to make it tougher and able to withstand a higher ROF

CadetCatastrophe March 21st, 2008 01:45

heh, oops... never really liked the AK so never really looked at it... :)

Omi-san March 21st, 2008 08:08

Pistons, piston heads and cylinders are the same for V2 or V3 mechboxes.

Mr.SMIG March 23rd, 2008 14:29

So what should I go with. My gun is stock right now. Looking for more durablilty and keeping around the stock fps. Im still a noob at upgrading

Crunchmeister March 23rd, 2008 14:33

If you're looking for durability, I would recommend you install metal bushings and reshim the gears. A new piston, piston head, and spring guide would probably be good additions too, although you'd go a long way to increase durability and reliability with just the shims and bushings.

Mr.SMIG March 23rd, 2008 14:37

Do you know of any place I can get metal bushings?

TokyoSeven March 23rd, 2008 14:39


Mr.SMIG March 23rd, 2008 14:42

What size are the bushings? sorry if i am asking to much.

ancorp March 23rd, 2008 14:45


Mr.SMIG March 23rd, 2008 14:46

thanks for the help

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