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warfare99 March 10th, 2008 21:52

p90, mp7 or FAMAS
hey i've been looking around the internet since last on the forum and have found a firepower p90 that i think might be crap, a tm mp7 clone, and am just looking for any place in canada to find a FAMAS, i think the mp7 is the best so far and i wanted your advice.
EDIT: sorry i found a famas on 007 airsoft.

kalnaren March 10th, 2008 22:02

If you haven't yet, contact a rep and get age verified. A lot of MP7's show up in the classifieds, and the occaisonal P90. Once your age verified you'll be able to access LeGROSS's store, which has good TM AEGs (all 3 you said you were looking for) at decent prices.

Styrak March 10th, 2008 22:20


Originally Posted by warfare99 (Post 666157)
hey i've been looking around the internet since last on the forum and have found a firepower p90 that i think might be crap, a tm mp7 clone, and am just looking for any place in canada to find a FAMAS, i think the mp7 is the best so far and i wanted your advice.
EDIT: sorry i found a famas on 007 airsoft.

Anything Firepower is utter shit.

pOkiE March 11th, 2008 03:08

i kinda want to get all 3 just cuz they look cool!

Gunk March 11th, 2008 03:19

I dunno why... but I've never liked the FAMAS or AUG... P90 I enjoyed. MP7 looks fricken tiny...

Ummm... yeah, once you're age verified the whole sorta seems to fall into place...

darknightelf2 March 12th, 2008 00:48

Dont touch the firepower p-90 ... ive made the mistake it is my first airsoft gun(crapsoft) i am in love with the p-90 but really firepower is crap it is more like an wallhanger, Right now i think im going a bit higher with an Well L96 comming home today ... i guess , i hope...:P but really take tokyo marui p-90 i saw some great review of it and it looks really the same as the real P-90... if you ever see an firepower p-90 you will understand what i mean. hope it helps.

ProbeJax March 12th, 2008 01:12

If you get a P90, I seriously recommend the TM. It's a great gun, other then mag issues and the RDS being a bitch to adjust properly, it's built like a rock and looks really cool. Bonus points for not being an Armalite or MP5 that everyone has.

Zeonprime March 12th, 2008 03:44


Originally Posted by ProbeJax (Post 667241)
If you get a P90, I seriously recommend the TM. It's a great gun, other then mag issues and the RDS being a bitch to adjust properly, it's built like a rock

Don't get Hicaps :D

and now I have "Like a rock" stuck in my head *humming* thanks ya bastard :D

ProbeJax March 12th, 2008 12:18


Originally Posted by Zeonprime (Post 667317)
Don't get Hicaps :D

and now I have "Like a rock" stuck in my head *humming* thanks ya bastard :D

I don't use hi caps. I hate them.

kalnaren March 12th, 2008 12:53


Originally Posted by ProbeJax (Post 667438)
I don't use hi caps. I hate them.

Good man.

Airmax March 13th, 2008 23:31

:) Somebody say P90.

TM P90 is the only way to go, lows caps work the best as High caps are known to have probs. If you find one, throw in an Hop-twist barrel ,bring your FPS to 350-360 and watch it hit anything in your crosshairs. I found that using this barrel over an tight-bore really works very well and has so over the past year.

Jayhad March 13th, 2008 23:53

i own a MP7 and would highly suggest against getting one unless it is for indoors only. The gun just doesn't compete outdoors

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