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FireRat March 4th, 2008 23:03

M14 Question
Stock inner barrel length of the M14 GO!

bigbeef March 4th, 2008 23:06

Upgrading to a tightbore?

ILLusion March 4th, 2008 23:27


TrueTGN March 4th, 2008 23:31

G&G M14/CA M14: 520mm
TM M14/China Clone: 500mm
CA M14 SCOUT: 463mm
G&G M14 SOC16: 463mm

FireRat March 5th, 2008 01:03

ok cool ... I got the TM one and yes I was considering a tightbore... but I wanted to know so i can measure I might get 550mm then... depending on how far it sticks out of my flashhider.

Has anyone heard anything about the Tanio-Koba HOP Twist Barrel for Marui AUG / M14 / M16 Series ( 509mm )???? It sounds good being a twist barrel and all has anyone tried it out?

Goodl2ussian March 5th, 2008 01:51

You cant get other inner barrels for an M14 from what i hear. You have to get M14 specific ones due to some difference in their design.

TrueTGN March 5th, 2008 01:54

Read up on the twist barrels

dontask March 5th, 2008 02:03


Originally Posted by FireRat (Post 661425)
Has anyone heard anything about the Tanio-Koba HOP Twist Barrel for Marui AUG / M14 / M16 Series ( 509mm )???? It sounds good being a twist barrel and all has anyone tried it out?

correct me if I'm wrong but aren't M14 inner barrels cut differently from the other AEG barrels?
I don't see how TK can have a universal barrel for M14 and the other 509mms

ILLusion March 5th, 2008 03:08


Originally Posted by FireRat (Post 661425)
ok cool ... I got the TM one and yes I was considering a tightbore... but I wanted to know so i can measure I might get 550mm then... depending on how far it sticks out of my flashhider.

Has anyone heard anything about the Tanio-Koba HOP Twist Barrel for Marui AUG / M14 / M16 Series ( 509mm )???? It sounds good being a twist barrel and all has anyone tried it out?

M14's have a unique hop up chamber mount. If you're going for a longer length, you'll have to get the hop up end custom cut.

And on that note, you'll need to check your air volumes - not sure how much air the M14 cylinder can push out.

As for the Twist inner barrel - you can't use it effectively if you're shooting over 330fps.


Originally Posted by dontask (Post 661450)
correct me if I'm wrong but aren't M14 inner barrels cut differently from the other AEG barrels?
I don't see how TK can have a universal barrel for M14 and the other 509mms

I had this barrel before, and the cut was done effectively. I'll be damned if I can remember how they did it again, but if I think I remember correctly, they had TWO of the C-clip notches cut out. The only difference between M14 inner barrels and standard AEG inner barrels is that the M14 inner barrel's C-Clip sits closer to the hop up end.

FireRat March 7th, 2008 00:50

So... I should just buy a longer tight bore barrel instead of the twist barrel??

Donster March 7th, 2008 00:53

so would a 500mm inner barrel be a good length given the whole cylinder air and stuff like that.

HunJosh May 6th, 2008 15:12

M14 Tuning

I'm a Hungarian Airsoft player and I promise you can help me. I would like to buy a CA M14 rifle and tuning it. Where can I find a tuning guide about this rifle? (I would make a DMR AEG) Thanks for your help!

HaZarD SFD May 6th, 2008 15:14

CA is a copy of the G&G.. Get the TM it will be less hassle down the road and you wont fry your motor after you upgrade the spring. G&G if left stock will be fine but once upgraded thats when the hassles start. I know from experience.

TM is alot easier to maintain and easier to find parts for. Also the mags are a hell of alot better.

Amos May 6th, 2008 15:40

The TM M14 is far superior to the G&G and Classic Army versions.

Harrison October 7th, 2009 14:32

This question is primarily for ILLusion:
Alrite I have a TM14 and I just had a hop twist barrel put in it and also a new spring which brought it up to abt 350-360 fps. but that was before i knew that it was joules, not fps that mattered for the usage of the barrel.the shop told me just to use .25s to even it out, but after reading your research in the thread, i kno that joules are wat matter. so wat i am asking is, to get the most accuracy and distance (w/o that annoying bb lift at the end) should in itry to decrease it down to one joule again? also, wat should i do with the hop up, adjust it like normal, all the way up, or totally off? it is currantly in the shop again so i you could let me know wat you think wud giv me the best results, i wud appreciate it.

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