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Perogi360 March 2nd, 2008 17:34

Best G36c
1 Attachment(s)
Hey, all

I recientley got into airsoft and i have been only using my bothers guns. i was wondering what the best G36c is for some n00b whose price range is $200-375 I saw the STAR g36c on [url] ;)

canadian $ mind you

CadetCatastrophe March 2nd, 2008 17:37

Are you people like the plague?

Go and read the FAQS, it will save you alot of trips to the OR for 3rd degree burns...
The main place you will buy anything is from the classifieds. Which you need to be 18 and age verified to access. But if you insist, or
I would personally go with a Tokyo Marui G36C because they are the iPods of the airsoft world.

attack-beaver March 2nd, 2008 17:37

200-375 at new looking at china clone

used MAYBE a TM or busted CA

rideout March 2nd, 2008 17:38


Syn March 2nd, 2008 17:40

JG g36c fits nicely in $200-375 range.

Daiviet March 2nd, 2008 17:44

just don't try to buy from wgc shop or any place outside of canada, it won't make it into the country.

desiredtoe March 2nd, 2008 18:42

When comes back, go there. A Jing Gong G36C is $325.

It is a gun that comes with a lot of good reviews, especially considering the price. A great starter weapon or gun for someone on a budget.

Syn March 2nd, 2008 18:46

shootsoft is now age verified I read so you have to get that done if you want to order from there.

this might be of some small value: g36c comparisons

Perogi360 March 3rd, 2008 09:18


Originally Posted by Syn (Post 658913)
JG g36c fits nicely in $200-375 range.

the GJ G36c is $80 american... can you say shitty?

...wait... Can you admins? can i say shitty?

Syn March 3rd, 2008 09:46


Originally Posted by Perogi360 (Post 659467)
the GJ G36c is $80 american... can you say shitty?

...wait... Can you admins? can i say shitty?

yes you can say that but it would be false. If you read the reviews and check you tube you will see the Jg 36c is not shitty after all. Also you are not going to import that gun for $80 here in CAnada. It is more like $300 here. Triple what ever gun prices you see in USA equals the Canadian price as a general guideline.

For the price and the addons, the gun is great imo. Great beginner gun.

Also, for those who say the JG 36c is shit for its price:

Donster March 3rd, 2008 09:51

ya i would have to say the JG G36c over at shootsoft would be your best bet.

Harbinger of Darkness March 3rd, 2008 10:00

Agreed. I have an Echo1 G36C (JG re brand) and it's really nice. Only thing I've had a problem with is the battery that comes with it and I stripped the thread on one of the mechbox screws.

Qlong March 3rd, 2008 10:02

JG G36 was my first gun, nothing but good to say about it. Had it for about 10 months now.

Donster March 3rd, 2008 10:07

well i would chose an Echo of a JG just because of the extra QC, such as how they regrease the mechbox and such.

Syn March 3rd, 2008 10:11


Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 (Post 659497)
well i would chose an Echo of a JG just because of the extra QC, such as how they regrease the mechbox and such.

yes thaks for bringing that up. I forgot about that. I think the gen 3 Echo has the metal bushings too so you don't even need to replace the plastic ones. Go echo over JG if you have the choice available.

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