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COBRA-CC February 11th, 2008 22:35

Man allegedly shot son with airsoft gun

By ANGELA BRANDT - Independent Record - 02/05/08
A 28-year-old Helena man faces three felony counts of assault on a minor for allegedly shooting his son with an air gun that shoots plastic BBs.

Police arrested Billy Joe Watts Friday afternoon after his 5-year-old son told a teacher at his school that his father had shot him three times with an air gun the previous night, according to documents filed in Justice Court Monday.

The three counts correspond to how many times Watts shot the child — once each on the forearm, chest and back.

When asked if the shots hurt him, the 5-year-old told officers “it made him sad and he cried,” according to court documents. Officers saw red marks, which appeared to be dried blood scabbing over the wounds.

“Then he said how his father shot himself in the head with the gun but he did not die. (The boy) was able to mimic how his father held the gun up to his head and pulled the trigger,” court documents said.

After speaking with school and state Department of Family Services officials, police went to Watts’ home on the 100 block of West Lyndale Avenue to question the suspect.

Watts, who, the documents note, greeted the officers only wearing underwear, said he was “messing around” with his son when he shot him with the air gun.

“Billy said his intent was to shoot (his son) with the airsoft gun, but not hurt him,” the documents said.

Watts told officers he had been drinking but did not feel he was impaired at the time of the incident.

Watts is being held in the Lewis and Clark County Detention Center in lieu of $10,000 bond.
Kick his Ass in jail and throw away the key

Drache February 11th, 2008 22:39

mein gott....

Styrak February 11th, 2008 22:39

Man what an idiot.

ProbeJax February 11th, 2008 22:39

Wow....although, good thing it wasn't here.

Crunchmeister February 11th, 2008 22:40

Some people are fucking idiots.

Cortexburn February 11th, 2008 22:42

wow...the guys name was Billy Joe.....someone pee'd in the gene pool....

Donster February 11th, 2008 22:42

mein Gott im Himmel... what a terrible parent and a sorry excuse for a human being

gvanzeggelaar February 11th, 2008 22:45

YouTube - The Airsoft Discipline System

It must have been ASDS. sorry i couldnt resist.
On a serious note though that is pretty irresponsible and stupid. To a 5 year old of all things.

Donster February 11th, 2008 22:48


Originally Posted by gvanzeggelaar (Post 641112)

It must have been ASDS. sorry i couldnt resist.
On a serious note though that is pretty irresponsible and stupid. To a 5 year old of all things.

that was hilarious! i like the disclaimer at the end the best!

gvanzeggelaar February 11th, 2008 22:49


JTF27 February 11th, 2008 23:05

I don't see why everyone is getting so uppy about this, I mean c'mon they were just having so god ol' fashion hill billy fun. I beleive the boy left out the part about the hoe-down.

On a serious note that is just aweful and is a sad look on what some parents are like.

Bowers February 12th, 2008 00:44

that father is a good example why more women need birth control

Firewalker February 12th, 2008 01:19

Hmm, and here I was thinking it wasn't possible to get any less ashamed of being human... Thanks COBRA-CC... Thanks...

jtjcheng February 12th, 2008 01:47




jaymz1911 February 12th, 2008 01:55


Originally Posted by Drache (Post 641105)
mein gott....

Can say that again......................... poor little kid :(

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