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littlesilver3 February 11th, 2008 20:13

Sniper Rifle
Im fairly new to the airsoft scene, i currently own a canadian tire special clear airsoft gun and a sig sauger pistol. I would like to get a sniper rifle, but not sure what brand and/or what to look for. i have been searching online and two rifles have caught my attention. one is the UTG L96 sniper rifle as advertised in many sites, and the other is mauser sniper rifle, at first glance they look very similar to me, both are spring powered. just wondering what you guys think of these rifles, are they the same, different, which is better etc., or is there something better that you can recommend.

thanks in advanced

DC_ACU February 11th, 2008 20:18

drop the canadian tire crap and read the faq's.

kalnaren February 11th, 2008 20:19

The rifles are *ok* out of the box, but will need work to make them into a good sniper platform.

Generally, it is recommended that new players start with an AEG. Sniping in airsoft is very difficult and is WAY different than what you think it is. Most players who are snipers spent a good deal of time playing as riflemen first.

techobo February 11th, 2008 20:28

I would recommend getting an M4A1. It will be a good way of getting into the sport because it is a very versatile gun. And after some playing, and you still want to be a snipexxor, you can replace the front end and turn it into an SPR MK12.

ThunderCactus February 11th, 2008 21:24


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 640990)
The rifles are *ok* out of the box, but will need work to make them into a good sniper platform.

Generally, it is recommended that new players start with an AEG. Sniping in airsoft is very difficult and is WAY different than what you think it is. Most players who are snipers spent a good deal of time playing as riflemen first.


matt491 February 11th, 2008 21:33


Originally Posted by DC_ACU (Post 640989)
read the faq's.


Sha Do February 11th, 2008 21:49


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 640990)
The rifles are *ok* out of the box, but will need work to make them into a good sniper platform.

Generally, it is recommended that new players start with an AEG. Sniping in airsoft is very difficult and is WAY different than what you think it is. Most players who are snipers spent a good deal of time playing as riflemen first.

Agreed +1...


Originally Posted by DC_ACU (Post 640989)
drop the canadian tire crap and read the faq's.

Agreed +1....

Take their advice, I've been using a bolt action "sniper" rifle for almost 11 years (and sniping for almost 14 years), and I still keep an AEG around to fall back on. Read the faq's, start with an AEG (such as the M-4 or what ever) and if you decide you want to try sniping after about a year or so, then look at getting a BA rifle. By then you'll know if you really want to snipe and will have enough knowledge to know what you need to upgrade the BA to what you want.


matt491 February 11th, 2008 23:28

Why do all the underaged noobs want to be snipers!? I don't get it. Many that come on here want to know what snipers are the best because they want to get their first real gun and they want it to be a sniper rifle. If you think about it, being a sniper is rather boring for the most part. You spend most of the day hiding and waiting for that right shot, which, a person with as little reading abilities as these noobs that come on here, wont have patience for! *shrugs* Just an observation

Aquamarine February 11th, 2008 23:46

Buy a PSG-1. Story ends.

Donster February 11th, 2008 23:57


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 641182)
Buy a PSG-1. Story ends.

ya but you gotta put an arm and a leg into it. my theory is that you have merged your soul with yours and thats why it is so amazing and can divide by zero as the legend has it.

ThunderCactus February 12th, 2008 00:12

Wait till he sees how expensive ghillie suits are :)

Cassius February 12th, 2008 00:13

You need to be 18 to own an airsoft gun, you're probably not.

You won't find a gun for under 600$ here in Canada.

You can't import guns from the States nor from Asia. It's illegal, your gun will be seized and destroyed and you will be blacklisted and lose your money.

Finally, sniping in airsoft is NOT like it is in Counter-Strike.

If you're serious enough about airsoft you will understand these principles and start reading about Airsoft in Canada. It's easy and once you've done so the whole community will be quite friendly with you.

If you're not serious, you're most likely to pull out sorry excuses out of your ass and we have seen them all already so therefore you will not be taken seriously and will be most probably flamed to death.

Mongoose February 12th, 2008 00:17

Welcome Little to the ASC board and to the wonderfull hobby of airsoft. First thing...please fill out your info so other players who visit this site know where you reside and possible direct you to someone in your area. Secondly...throw those Crappy Tire crap into the garbage and get yourself "Age Verified". This way you can view the For Sale section. Buy yourself a good AEG (M4A1, MP5, AK47, to name a few) and a good side arm. There are many companies who make good quality airsoft guns (TM, CA, ICS, STAR, etc.). Since you're new to this sport and would hate to see you become turned off from it, I would suggest play the assualt first and become familiar with the guns and equipment as well the tactics. Going sniper at first can be very boring and not a very good impression on first time players.

Sniping can be fun but it is for those who have patients. You can go through a whole game and not fire a shot. For example, my team had a event last year and I only fired nine shots while other players had fired over 500+ rnds. and having a gay ole time running around into the action. Like Sha Do, I have a M4w/M203 AEG to fall on if I decide to switch to for a faster paced theme. Sniping isn't for everyone, play a few games as a rifleman and do some research on sniping, the guns and equipment. Talk to some of the players on this site on their sniping experiences and then make a final decision on if sniping is what you want. If you attend a game and there is a player who's going to play the team sniper, ask if you could shadow him or ask him questions. As well, there is a FAQ section, please take the time to read it. It is very informative and may answer alot of your questions.

Hope this helps and again, welcome to the ASC board and have fun.

Omi-san February 12th, 2008 17:29


Originally Posted by matt491 (Post 641168)
Why do all the underaged noobs want to be snipers!? I don't get it. Many that come on here want to know what snipers are the best because they want to get their first real gun and they want it to be a sniper rifle. If you think about it, being a sniper is rather boring for the most part. You spend most of the day hiding and waiting for that right shot, which, a person with as little reading abilities as these noobs that come on here, wont have patience for! *shrugs* Just an observation

Amos February 12th, 2008 17:33


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 641208)
Wait till he sees how expensive ghillie suits are :)

I've only spent 30 dollars on mine!!

But... a good... 18 hours... and about 200 hours more to go..

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