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Amos January 26th, 2008 13:25

Kraken Warning.
Hey, These things get awful piston head seals... Mine does, and so does everyone else's that I've talked to.

A new piston head is in order for all Kraken owners.

M76 January 27th, 2008 09:33

As I understand that the aftermath ak is a rebranded cyma cm028,then it stands to reason that the internals like the piston ......etc are not of the same qualtiy of the TM ,ics......etc , I would use the ak till it gives in then upgrade or do the deed now and upgrade.

As I am lucky I can buy wholesale , if my cyma guns go down I just replace it with a new AK or just upgrade cheaply . Its the best of both worlds.......;)

KNIVEZS January 27th, 2008 13:19

how much do i need to spend to change the piston head

TokyoSeven January 27th, 2008 13:37

Thats dependant on which brand you want and where you get it from.
Id like to say anywhere from 8-30 dollars. Without shipping.

cloves January 27th, 2008 15:13

of course it's not the same quality as a TM gun....that's why it's so much less expensive

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