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DarkAlman January 21st, 2008 22:37

KA FN FAL upgrade + wood kit
Since there's a big lack of info on the KA FAL for upgrades (at least from my perspective) I decided I'd share what I've found out about mine during the upgrade process.

I did a full gearbox swap:

Stock motor + motor mount
Systema Helical Torque up gears and shims
Guarder double oil channels bushings
Systema Cylinder
Systema Cylinder Head (conical)
Systema Aluminum piston head (strickly for extra noise)
Systema Teflon coated aluminum piston
Systema Spring guide with bearings
Prometheus MS110 Spring
Guarder Tappet Plate
Systema nozzle (Sig552)
Prometheus 6.03mm barrel (508mm)
Prometheus hop-up rubber soft (blue)

All that and a wopping 410 FPS. Now I have to by an MS100 :P

I had a miserable time trying to get it to shoot consistently after my initial upgrade. The stock nozzle and tappet plate do not seal very well and caused a 100+ FPS air leak. If your planning an upgrade on your FAL be sure to include a nozzle and tappet plate, it will save you alot of headache.
The sig 552 nozzle fits perfectly.

When I was thinking of buying my FN I thought a wood kit would be cool but would be too much work. Then I got it and within 10 minutes I decided the plastic parts HAD TO GO.

3 months of work later...

The colour difference on the foregrip and stock are less noticeable in real life.
The Stock and Carry handle are hand made out of maple based on the measurements of the real steel parts. The butt plate is real steel and yes I can fit a large battery in there comfortably.

The foregrip is actual issue. It's Aussie and made out of some laminate combination of god only knows what that grows in the outback. It arrived looking like crap coated with sticky gun oil. I stripped it cleaned it and restained/repainted it. It required little modification to fit on the rifle. Just a little filing on the metal parts.

I'm still debating if I should but a para trooper flash hider on there or get the issue one with the bayonet lug.

I've also been trying to track down and L2A2 trilux scope for it. I found a couple but the only rails I've been able to find that fit that scope are built into the upper reciever (yikes!) good luck getting that into the country.

Darklen January 21st, 2008 23:06

I just wet my pants a little...

yanhchan January 22nd, 2008 10:38

Sweet job man!

Cassius January 22nd, 2008 11:18

Jesus fucking christ this is awesome! I want more pics! Show me one with the mag inserted!

ColtFarmer January 22nd, 2008 11:56

NICE work dude, when I saw it I think a little pee came out.

Vince January 22nd, 2008 12:03

I need to change underwear...

Porkchop January 22nd, 2008 12:44

Great job.
Hmm, a wood stock would be appropriate for the G1.
Thanks for giving me some ideas.

DarkAlman January 22nd, 2008 15:44

G1: wood stock, Bipod and plastic everything else ;)

I modeled mine after an Argentine model because I like my full auto...

BIGMEDCIN January 22nd, 2008 15:52

question, I have an CA SA58, can the wood parts fit this? ,how much work to fit the rear stock.

PS. contact info for the wood pieces.


DarkAlman January 22nd, 2008 17:43

The SA58 is a FAL carbine, the stock foregrip I used is from a full size rifle. It's just too long to fit on it.

Assuming the SA58 is like the KA FAL (assuming you have a foregrip of the right length) the wood foregrip fits with little effort I just needed to file down the metal parts at the back to make it fit snuggly.

The stock is a COMPLETELY different story. First of all it's not hollow. There's a channel on the inside for a cleaning kit that is slightly too small for a stick battery.
Secondly its not wide enough. The real steel stock is shaved down near the back which makes it too thin to drill out for a large battery. I had to make mine slightly thicker and tapered near the back to make the butt plate fit.
Thirdly it doesn't have the right mounting hardware. Although it is feasible to make a real steel stock fit an SA58 the amount of work involved is so great that you might as well make one from scratch... which is what I did.

BIGMEDCIN January 22nd, 2008 19:19


Originally Posted by DarkAlman (Post 622223)
The SA58 is a FAL carbine, the stock foregrip I used is from a full size rifle. It's just too long to fit on it.

Assuming the SA58 is like the KA FAL (assuming you have a foregrip of the right length) the wood foregrip fits with little effort I just needed to file down the metal parts at the back to make it fit snuggly.

The stock is a COMPLETELY different story. First of all it's not hollow. There's a channel on the inside for a cleaning kit that is slightly too small for a stick battery.
Secondly its not wide enough. The real steel stock is shaved down near the back which makes it too thin to drill out for a large battery. I had to make mine slightly thicker and tapered near the back to make the butt plate fit.
Thirdly it doesn't have the right mounting hardware. Although it is feasible to make a real steel stock fit an SA58 the amount of work involved is so great that you might as well make one from scratch... which is what I did.

Thanks...good info, I think I will just leave it the way it is, I have battled through M-14 and G-3 wood stocks, look great when done but maybe not worth the effort in the end.

Danke January 22nd, 2008 19:41

Back in the dark ages (there were only rocks, dirt hadn't formed yet). You'd unpack spare wood for C1's from brown paper wrapping and it would be sticky like sap underneath.

Some folks who were in the know would carry a C2 selector switch. Others would put a shim under the sear (something like a match torn in half) to get a full auto ride. It was just such a bastard to clean afterwards.

More Grandpa Simpson memories as they float to the top of my consciousness.

I love looking at FN's but I'd never want to drag one around again!

DarkAlman January 22nd, 2008 20:38

My dad had flashbacks of boot camp when I opened mine up ;)

DarkAlman January 22nd, 2008 20:41


Jesus fucking christ this is awesome! I want more pics! Show me one with the mag inserted!
Ask and yee shall receive.

The battery compartment I had to carve out.

Close up of the stock

Close up of the butt stock plate

Crunchmeister January 22nd, 2008 21:02

Tip o' the hat (or helmet) to you for the fine job you did on that gun. It looks truly spectacular. Having flashbacks of my old army cadet days and our time at the ranges in Valcartier shooting the old FN C1

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