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Hk-GUY January 17th, 2008 10:59

AIRSOFT ETIQUETTE Christy and Sierra
Had some friends set this up on Youtube and thought you all might wanna sticky it for the noobs.

AIRSOFT ETIQUETTE Christy and Sierra
PART 1 of 6
YouTube - Pt 1 of 6 AIRSOFT ETIQUETTE with Christy and Sierra

PART 2 of 6
YouTube - Pt 2 of 6 AIRSOFT ETIQUETTE with Christy and Sierra

PART 3 of 6
YouTube - 3 of 6 AIRSOFT ETIQUETTE with Christy and Sierra Pt

PART 4 of 6
YouTube - Pt 4 of 6 AIRSOFT ETIQUETTE with Christy and Sierra

PART 5 of 6

YouTube - Pt 5 of 6 AIRSOFT ETIQUETTE with Christy and Sierra

PART 6 of 6
YouTube - Pt 6 of 6 AIRSOFT ETIQUETTE with Christy and Sierra

HaZarD SFD January 17th, 2008 11:05

Hotties! Great vids

ROFLCOPTER.. "Always take and give the Bang Bang Policy!"

Cushak January 17th, 2008 11:16

What's with the blackwater water mark?

Hk-GUY January 17th, 2008 11:19


Originally Posted by Cushak (Post 617632)
What's with the blackwater water mark?

Team Mark/Symbol

Cushak January 17th, 2008 11:21

Ah k, makes sense.


"Always take, and give, the bang bang courtesy"

Crunchmeister January 17th, 2008 11:24

Man... that brunette... I'd be sure to use the "bang bang" rule on her.

Viperfish January 17th, 2008 11:46

dude...tactical skirt ftw, why cant we get some of that round here?

am i the only one who is jealous that operation Irene is wasted on Americans?

Lakonian January 17th, 2008 12:32

That one in the yellow... Seal of approval has been given.


Originally Posted by Kohaku (Post 617656)
dude...tactical skirt ftw, why cant we get some of that round here?

am i the only one who is jealous that operation Irene is wasted on Americans?


Brakoo January 17th, 2008 12:34

Well those vids are great for noobs and even for vets, go figure why. Honestly using those 2 hot girls will make everyone watch all of the videos and that's a great thing. This is what new players should have to watch before being allowed to post on here.

TokyoSeven January 17th, 2008 13:11

Pt 4. " In the real world, you die!"

Over all very informative, this should be put this in the FAQ!
But then noone would watch it...

Crunchmeister January 17th, 2008 13:21

Just rename the title as "Hot, scantily clad chicks discuss airsoft etiquette" and it will be watched!

Ghost_boo January 17th, 2008 13:25


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 617641)
Man... that brunette... I'd be sure to use the "bang bang" rule on her.

:tup: 2 thumbs up for you :tup:

Ronan January 17th, 2008 13:41

Not bad. brb :D

Crunchmeister January 17th, 2008 13:50


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 617740)
Just rename the title as "Hot, scantily clad chicks discuss airsoft etiquette" and it will be watched!

Coming to think of it, if pics of hot chicks holding guns were added to the FAQs and guides, and their presence advertised in the thread titles, that would more than likely be the first place noobs would run to!


Originally Posted by Ghost_boo (Post 617745)
:tup: 2 thumbs up for you :tup:

Thank you, kind sir. :)

Styrak January 17th, 2008 14:34

"originated in the US"? WTF? Didn't it come from Japan?

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