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jaa January 16th, 2008 16:47

what are the rules that specifically pertain to snipers?

Are they allowed to remain at one spot longer than the guys with regular guns? What's the minimum range they are allowed to shoot someone? etc

Styrak January 16th, 2008 16:48

Lol, you mean some sort of "camping rules"?

Barf January 16th, 2008 16:51

Ask here

Aquamarine January 16th, 2008 17:31


Umm... you sit and wait... and get very bored, then ask if your spotter is willing to felate you in exchange for your MRE dessert package. If he/she says yes, then great, you just found something to do to pass the time. If no, then... well... you touch yourself while looking at the bad guys (or good guys) while looking thorough your scope.

As for camping, yea, airsoft is JUST like C.S. If you are within 20 feet of an enemy location for more than 2 minutes, then you are kicked and banned from the server.

That's all you get, since you don't trust me (according to your profile)

TokyoSeven January 16th, 2008 17:37

I dont care what you say Aqua, that desert didnt taste anything like strawberry shortcake.

Barf January 16th, 2008 17:48


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 616954)

Umm... you sit and wait... and get very bored, then ask if your spotter is willing to felate you in exchange for your MRE dessert package. If he/she says yes, then great, you just found something to do to pass the time. If no, then... well... you touch yourself while looking at the bad guys (or good guys) while looking thorough your scope.

Now I have this craving for twinkies and their cream filling.....

AngelusNex January 16th, 2008 17:49

O.O okay......... TMI

ThunderCactus January 16th, 2008 17:52


Originally Posted by jaa (Post 616917)
Are they allowed to remain at one spot longer than the guys with regular guns?

What is this? counterstrike? lol

CDN_Stalker January 16th, 2008 17:56


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 616958)
I dont care what you say Aqua, that desert didnt taste anything like strawberry shortcake.

I don't think there's a desert on the planet that tastes like strawberry shortcake. Then again, I don't think there's any dessert that tastes like sand either.

Stalker for da win!

ChiefInTrees January 16th, 2008 18:00

Sit and wait until the painful realization that airsoft sniper rifles have the accuracy of a paper airplane and practically the same range or slightly more then your regular gun.
then you realize that sniping is not as exciting or fulfilling as the movie or videogames lead you to believe.

Sniping is often a novelty, and the few who do it, have their own style that differs from the films.

Lagg is often an excuse for getting hit in airsoft.

CDN_Stalker January 16th, 2008 18:01


Originally Posted by ChiefInTrees (Post 616987)
Sit and wait until the painful realization that airsoft sniper rifles have the accuracy of a paper airplane and practically the same range or slightly more then your regular gun.

Lol, umm, no.

ChiefInTrees January 16th, 2008 18:03


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 616988)
Lol, umm, no.

Exaggeration of course, but its not like your going to be hitting a pop can at 300ft on the first pull.

FOX_111 January 16th, 2008 18:12


Originally Posted by ChiefInTrees (Post 616990)
Exaggeration of course, but its not like your going to be hitting a pop can at 300ft on the first pull.

You do have a lot of sniping experience I see...

jaa January 16th, 2008 18:38

Yeah, I was wondering about that. Legal limit in Canada's 500fps, so I was sorta curious about why retailers would try to market a "sniper" rifle that has the same capabilities of a normal gun.

I asked because I remembered a post a ways back regarding someone else wanting to buy a sniper rifle. Someone told him you were not allowed (on some fields) to fire at someone at less than X meters away since the high muzzle speed might injure someone.

And why would you need a spotter if you can't hit anything further than 200m anyways?

TokyoSeven January 16th, 2008 18:43


Originally Posted by jaa (Post 617014)
Yeah, I was wondering about that. Legal limit in Canada's 500fps, so I was sorta curious about why retailers would try to market a "sniper" rifle that has the same capabilities of a normal gun.

I dont recall any retailers trying to market any type of sniper rifle that has the same capabilities of a normal gun.Besides, getting hit with an airsoft BB going 560 fps is very diffrent from getting hit by a 22 short going 560.


Originally Posted by jaa (Post 617014)
Someone told him you were not allowed (on some fields) to fire at someone at less than X meters away since the high muzzle speed might injure someone.

Its not just with an airsoft sniper rifle, that goes the same with any airsoft gun, you call out for a mercy kill, some people dont, but if your running a hot gun and you light some one up in the face with a 3-5 round burst at near point blank, guranteed you may be ejected from the game or your gona get punched in the face.


Originally Posted by jaa (Post 617014)
And why would you need a spotter if you can't hit anything further than 200m anyways?

Because a spotter is handy to help you

A. Cover you in twigs , leaves and foliage.
B. Cover and support your ass in a close fire fight. Especially if a sniper doesnt carry a anything more than a pistol as a side arm.
C. Keep you company and watch your back when your sniping and focused on whats infront of you, sometimes you dont know whats comming up behind you.
D. Be bait by sitting about 30 feet ahead and chain smoking singing quotes from H.M.S. Pinafore

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