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bobotea January 7th, 2008 19:22

KSC USP Compact question
HI all
I recently just bought a ksc usp compact with metal slide, metal outer barrel, and a high flow valve. The only problem is can i dry fire the gun with no gas and no bbs just the mag in the gun?

PS: My manual came in Japanese can I download a ksc usp compact manual any were?

RacingManiac January 7th, 2008 19:31

they are only available in Japanese, and sure you can cock the slide and pull the trigger(or just pull the trigger, it is double action afterall), but all you are gonna hear is "click"...

TokyoSeven January 7th, 2008 19:31

I dont see why it would be an issue.
You should be alright, enjoy your purchase.

bobotea January 7th, 2008 19:34

thanks for the help i was just wondering because there was a pic in the manual that looked like dry fire warning or something. See you on a BC feild soon if you can make the drive lol

hattrick January 7th, 2008 19:48

Dry fire will break the trigger. I promise.

attack-beaver January 7th, 2008 19:51

yea dont dry fire your USP to often good chance you'll crack it if not break it.

bobotea January 7th, 2008 19:55

are u sure because every thing is metal accept for the lower frame

attack-beaver January 7th, 2008 19:59


Originally Posted by bobotea (Post 609988)
are u sure because every thing is metal accept for the lower frame

yes i'm sure i have a USP full size, theres no spine to the back of the trigger so if your not carefull u could easily do it in.

talon January 7th, 2008 20:18

yeah, don't use double action at all if possible. only pull the trigger if the hammer is cocked all the way back, otherwise you risk breaking the trigger. i've had to replace 2 triggers so far, and it's difficult to find replacements.

Greylocks January 7th, 2008 20:43

It's called metal fatigue, and can even happen to a real gun.

Up to you if you want to test that little bit of information.

attack-beaver January 7th, 2008 20:53

i think you can slap a real trigger on your KSC

shredon January 8th, 2008 00:59


Originally Posted by Greylocks (Post 610038)
It's called metal fatigue, and can even happen to a real gun.

Up to you if you want to test that little bit of information.

But most real guns are not made of melted down pop cans and bubble gun wrappers:D

BBS January 8th, 2008 02:41

the trigger of KSC USP compacts are more prone to breaking than any other GBBs. That being said its still generally safe to dry fire with a GBB...just go easy on the KSC Compact's trigger.

TokyoSeven January 8th, 2008 13:14

Well that ya go, I stand corrected, and I managed to learn something too. I never would have thought a dry fire would be so harmful.

IRONSIGHT January 8th, 2008 13:39

I don't understand why people want to dry fire their GBB guns. I'm sure most of us are older that six years old and know that if your following any kind of gun safety at all your finger doesn't touch the trigger unless your going to fire it at a target or a friend with eye protection who is shooting back at you. But if you must, you can always just pretend to pull the trigger and say BANG-BANG! Your dead! In any case you will be needlessly wearing out your gun for no good reason. It's your gun so do what you want.

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