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veilside5 January 6th, 2008 17:08

Smoke grenades
Just found that website:

You can get a box of 5 smoke grenades for 21$ or a box of 25 for 90$.

The only downside is that shipping is 40$ for canada, but the warehouse is in Toronto. So people of Toronto could buy some and sell them back with a more convenient shipping price. It can be sent via regular mail cause it's non explosive!! Check out the video!

Greylocks January 6th, 2008 17:26

Check your local bylaws before ordering anything like that.

medhatboy January 6th, 2008 19:00

I've had those before, they are a hot burn so most places probably won't let you use them, not to mention I couldn't get them to stay lit they kept going out. And if they do lite they have to stand straight up. Get the ones with the pull wire on them, they may cost $10-$12 each but work better, and they are cold burn, I've already used 10 last season.

Amos January 6th, 2008 19:21

Those things are crap.

The expired boating distress signals work MUCH MUCH better.

Ibby January 6th, 2008 20:30


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 609137)
The expired boating distress signals work MUCH MUCH better.

+1. I've gone so far as to have ordered (through proper channels) several different types of the smoke pyro we use in the military. The expired marine distress units are still better.

Flatlander January 6th, 2008 20:35

Excuse my ignorance, but do the marine smoke grenades work better when they're expired? Or are they just cheaper that way?

Firewalker January 6th, 2008 23:24


Originally Posted by Flatlander (Post 609186)
Excuse my ignorance, but do the marine smoke grenades work better when they're expired? Or are they just cheaper that way?

Cheaper and easier to get a hold of for the purpose of "throwing them away" as we do in airsoft.

They're quite expensive, in comparison, when fresh, but when they go some folks sell them cheap (as they need to get rid of the stock).

They work, generally speaking, better than most other smokes out there. At least from the demo's I've seen.

dave_e January 14th, 2008 02:36

Ok does anyone have a link to a place where we can buy these?

Jimski January 14th, 2008 08:35

are those the orange cans?

Gene Pool Medic January 15th, 2008 01:12

Calcity will have cold burning pull string smoke grenades for sale Feb 1st for around 20 bucks a grenade.

Gryphon January 20th, 2008 01:13

We're all out of the expired marine ordnance (hence the reason for the sales post disappearing) but are working on getting more. We recently got in 2,000 white parachute rocket flares but....well, we need to find launchers for them because they're not quite what we expected. Way cooler though and should be popular with airsofters. I should have more information in the following week or two.

medhatboy January 20th, 2008 09:37


Originally Posted by Gene Pool Medic (Post 615737)
Calcity will have cold burning pull string smoke grenades for sale Feb 1st for around 20 bucks a grenade.

ouch, I pay $10 each from where I get them.

And they are the pullstring cold burning ones.

Kimbo January 20th, 2008 09:45

hey swatt, I assume you order these online from these guys? What shipping like?

Ibby January 20th, 2008 10:59


Originally Posted by mack_silent (Post 615732)
They sell for about 80$ each new... Burn for 20 seconds orange/red smoke.

I really hope they are ALOT cheaper expired. :P

Yeah new they're stupid expensive, but they're a required safety device for boating. Expired they still work fine, they burn for about 3 minutes and you can get them for about $8 if you know the right people ;)

medhatboy January 20th, 2008 11:12


Originally Posted by pivot (Post 620033)
hey swatt, I assume you order these online from these guys? What shipping like?

any order over $300 has free shipping. And no I don't order $300 worth of smoke, I also order the stuff I need to make grenades from here too.

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