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MadMax January 5th, 2008 21:09

Cornershot launches effective new accessory
For the airsofter who has everything (including a Cornershot):

YouTube - Future Weapons: Kitty Cornershot

Ronan January 5th, 2008 21:14

A cornershot cost $5000. If it had one less zero it would be in my gun case^^

immortalundead January 5th, 2008 21:20

all i can think of when i see that is the cat silencer in postal 2

Gunk January 5th, 2008 21:23

Ooooo... lookit the pretty kitty... hey, wait, why is its eye glowi-...

Goodl2ussian January 5th, 2008 21:24

what....the fuck........

Ronan January 5th, 2008 21:28

Gives a new name to 'fur weapon' on 'future weapon' :D

Someone fix the edit button >.>

The Saint January 5th, 2008 21:33

I'd fall for it, especially if they ever develop a version with build-in meowing capabilities.

MadMax January 5th, 2008 21:34

I bet Aqua could come up with something funnier.

Renegade) January 5th, 2008 22:15

bwahahaha, love it.

rideout January 5th, 2008 22:26

"o hello kitty" BAM!

Bowers January 5th, 2008 22:37

i can hear the ads around the holidays

"this year buy your daughter something she can really have a blast with get her *cue dramatic music* a kittyshot"

MadMax January 6th, 2008 00:32

Cheap pussy can be a real killer.

Drake January 6th, 2008 01:10

Wow... a $6.75 plushy accessory for your $5000 Cornershot.

I would have used a Cthulhu plushy instead (or maybe a Mudkip), cuz anyone who sees it would pause a moment while they go "WTF?" -- and it's easier shooting an immobile target.

~Bodkin~ January 6th, 2008 01:17

I absolutely love it. I will never be able to look at a stray cat the same again.

Shrapnel[Op-For] January 6th, 2008 01:58

I know the gun was unloaded, but I liked how the host looks down the barrel a few times, and the other guy has the gun pointed at his face for a little bit.

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