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Killbucket December 15th, 2007 15:42

killbucket's Wondergun
...think customs would recognize it?....

Goodl2ussian December 15th, 2007 15:46


ThunderCactus December 15th, 2007 16:08

What you call that? Kids-Partyflauge? lol
Awesome breadgun:D

leiwin December 15th, 2007 16:13

Gaurd: whats in the box son
Killbucket: umm im just bringing home a loaf of bread for my girl eh!
Gaurd: let's have a look
Killbucket: sweats bullets
Gaurd:isint O that cute carry on

hutch1970 December 15th, 2007 17:25

Is that the new iron filled good for you to eat version?

Killbucket December 15th, 2007 17:44
...strong bodies, 12 ways....

Full Crustal Jacket!

seabass December 15th, 2007 17:47 this for real?

Killbucket December 15th, 2007 17:54

White paint, glossy photo sticker sheets real.

Wilson December 15th, 2007 17:57

If you look carefully you can see the outlines. Very nice work, though. Top notch.

DC_ACU December 15th, 2007 18:20

very nice.
how do you expect to keep hidden ? haha

Killbucket December 15th, 2007 18:23

Bet I could carry it right through a grocery store un-noticed.

DC_ACU December 15th, 2007 18:24

that'd be pretty sweet, go try that one on, have a friend record it on his phone and tell him to add me to msn to send it.

seabass December 15th, 2007 18:25

I bet you couldnt...

Although, it is pretty sweet, use it for cqb

Killbucket December 15th, 2007 18:31

I was joking, but I'd have to try it to believe one way or the other. Humans expect a gun to be black, my first impression is that's a toy (exactly why Bloomberg is all huffy about painting guns), if it's not black. Grab this thing and one loaf of bread, even a swat team would take a moment to pick you out.

Californians would think it was a product promo and mob me for free samples...too dangerous to try this here.

seabass December 15th, 2007 18:38


Originally Posted by Killbucket (Post 595902)
White paint, glossy photo sticker sheets real.

this is real enough for me, your gonna see this shit on red wolf soon enough

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