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Hortons Heros December 1st, 2007 14:13

British Helmet
are the british still using the MK6? IF they are using something different what is it?

eel one December 1st, 2007 14:18

It is what I still see in the television and it is what they still write on their web page:

Hortons Heros December 1st, 2007 14:49

I am just wondering if the MK6a looks that different

mopic December 1st, 2007 17:41

Yes, mark 6 still in use. Very cheap when ordered from the U.K. I just got one with a new desert DPM cover for 25 quid.

Hortons Heros December 1st, 2007 17:59

can you send me the link or e-mail for the retialer you got it from?

Kutter December 1st, 2007 20:50

Here's the manufacturer's website:
If you look at the pic of the Mk6a helmet it looks exactly the same as the older Mk6.

They just improved the ballistic protection since it now incorporates kevlar, whereas the old Mk6 was made out of ballistic nylon.

Lerch December 1st, 2007 23:10

Different material, same design. I've owned both in the last bit and found the MK6A to be alot heavier though.

Anywho, the only other helmet is the para model which is ALOT lighter and comfortable.

Kutter December 2nd, 2007 00:20

Wow, you have a Mk6a? Lucky guy. :D

BTW Lerch, how do you find the comfort level of the Mk6? I have one and I find that there is a pressure point on the top of the helmet, mainly on the top of the suspension system where it's a piece of string going around in a circle (sorry if this is a bad description). I tried to adjust it's size and fiddle around with the suspension but overall I find it quite uncomfortable compared to most of my other helmets.

Lerch December 2nd, 2007 00:32

Yeah, had a Mk6A as my first 'real' helmet, a year or two ago...

Anyway, I find the Mk6 is awesome for comfort level, and I'm usually shaved so I feel any pressure on my head then ;) I've got an outsize helmet with the back pad pulled in tight so that it sits loose but doesn't jostle when I've got the chinstrap done up. If you're feeling the strings at the top though, try cutting a piece of foam up and sticking it over the strings.

Hortons Heros December 2nd, 2007 02:02

looking for links of where to get one...

DarkAlman December 2nd, 2007 02:09

Bought mine for 30 bucks. (mk6) with 2 covers

There's 6 of them for sale right now.

Lerch December 2nd, 2007 03:14

Personally I'd suggest searching for 'dpm helmet'. I got 126 hits when I did...just skim through and find one that a) fits you, and b) ships to Canada. For sizes just use your regular cap sizes to judge (S-L with the XL being outsize).

Oh yeah, here's what I was talking about earlier with the foam in the suspension;

Kutter December 2nd, 2007 12:20

Thanks Lerch, I'll give that a shot! I can definitely see the foam alleviating the problem.

Mordarski J.A. January 19th, 2008 09:06

Resurrecting a semi-older thread here.....anyone ever hear of an airsoft version of the helmet? I know you can purchase PASGT helmets with DPM covers, but since bouncing around in an Iltis with the CF-issued helmet I've come to despise anything kevlar and head-mounted with a passion.

Brit ter January 19th, 2008 09:14

I have never seen a replica MK 6. ?

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