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madmaty November 28th, 2007 07:24

Just want your thoughts
Ok as I am new to the sport or Airsoft and need to get equiped roght. I was wondering if you folks could give me your thoughts on what I sould get. So far I have fidgered that I will need at least 2 secondary weapons, and a primary. For those I was thinking

Secondary Weapons
2 Toyko Marui Desert Eagle Hark Kick GBB

Most likely in thigh holsters

And as a Primary
M16 Assault Rifle AEG Manufacture undecided someone who makes burst-full auto

What do you all think is this good? feedback is much appreaciated.

****Sorry about the spelling*****

Cushak November 28th, 2007 07:35

You really don't need two Desert Eagle.

Since you're getting an M16, I'd actually recommend only getting any sidearms if you're going to be in any CQB situations, as the size of the M16 will make it very unwieldly.

There are a lot of threads about this that will give you a more thorough idea about what you need. I gotta run or I'd post some links, but the FAQ's are a good place to start (each section on this board has a couple of there own)

The Acer November 28th, 2007 07:41

i will admit having 2 deagles would be cool if u could ever dual them, but practicalness i would say i rarely use 1 side arm anyways, so let alone 2 i doubt u use,

coolness factor +2
practical -1

madmaty November 28th, 2007 07:42

Thank you very much :) I will look around a bit more

beastman November 28th, 2007 07:49


Originally Posted by madmaty (Post 583309)
Thank you very much :) I will look around a bit more

If you want a cheap but well built gun go to Basspro and get a kraken ak47, you'll need to paint it(clearsoft), but it works well. Shoots around 350 FPS. Good gun to start out with.

madmaty November 28th, 2007 08:01


Originally Posted by beastman (Post 583311)
If you want a cheap but well built gun go to Basspro and get a kraken ak47, you'll need to paint it(clearsoft), but it works well. Shoots around 350 FPS. Good gun to start out with.

Yeah clearsoft is what I started out with (Please don't flame me now ;) ) to kinda get a feel for what I was getting into. Altho I dont agree with all the people who flame others for having them, I think that it is time to move away from them and start getting into more "relistic" ones. So that I can begian playing in tournaments and such. I tryed the whole painting them thing and it works decently but you can tell looking at them that they have been painted.

matt491 November 28th, 2007 08:13


Originally Posted by madmaty (Post 583316)
I tryed the whole painting them thing and it works decently but you can tell looking at them that they have been painted.

Not if you do a good job painting them :D My M4 turned out pretty darn good, but it took 6 coats. 3 flat black, 3 clear coat

madmaty November 28th, 2007 08:29


Originally Posted by matt491 (Post 583324)
Not if you do a good job painting them :D My M4 turned out pretty darn good, but it took 6 coats. 3 flat black, 3 clear coat

Ok Im going to try painting me newest M16 clearsoft can I asked what you used as a clear coat?

Jo_Canadian November 28th, 2007 08:47

getting a deagle hard kick is a good idea, if you need i can links you to a website that will custome make holsters. but you only need one. dualies might look cool, but take it from me, they are border line useles, just get one and alot of mags, people will tend to make you real cap it and you get real good at reloading then

beastman November 28th, 2007 09:02


Originally Posted by madmaty (Post 583326)
Ok Im going to try painting me newest M16 clearsoft can I asked what you used as a clear coat?

Secret to painting clear soft is to paint inside as well.

mateba November 28th, 2007 10:30

I don't know of any manufacturers that produce an m16 with a burst mode. You could get a mosfet that will allow you to toggle the burst option though. Check the airsoftmechanics forum. There should be several people making them and to get the burst option you shouldn't have to spend over $40USD (some with free worldwide shipping). Mosfet do a lot of other great things for your AEG too. Better battery life, batter motor life, better response time in semi auto, and better rate of fire. If you do get a burst mosfet you might be able to choose a number between 2-8 for the # of BBs in the burst. Just so you know this number is permanent. It'll be written in the code of your mosfet.

hope it helps,


-=]MH[=-RaiDen November 28th, 2007 10:48

Or... just hold the trigger for like a second?
or get a TM Sig
or get a TM type-89...


madmaty November 28th, 2007 11:04


Originally Posted by Jo_Canadian (Post 583329)
getting a deagle hard kick is a good idea, if you need i can links you to a website that will custome make holsters. but you only need one. dualies might look cool, but take it from me, they are border line useles, just get one and alot of mags, people will tend to make you real cap it and you get real good at reloading then

I have holsters picked out. They are from Magnum Reasurch inc Official deagle Hoslsters sinch the airsoft are 1:1 they will fit in there like a dream.

CDN_Stalker November 28th, 2007 11:11

I'd highly recommend you get one of theser holsters:

I have one (in multicam) and it's great, well made (hey, it's Eagle, what do you expect?), is ambidexterous and fully modular, BUT, the best thing, you can set it up for everything from a Glock 26 to a Desert Eagle (both my G19 and my MK23 fit this holster very well).

If you get that you won't have to buy another holster ever, important if you ever change sidearms.

Aquamarine November 28th, 2007 11:54

Oh Christ... I carried --ONE-- Desert Eagle and it was too much. Useless in the field man, don't bother. They are 'cool' but almost as cool as playing CQB with a M82A1

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