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Smoke.Aug.a2 August 26th, 2007 16:06

some airsoft heavy guns
Some Guna I would like to own or see in a game :)

The Rpg YouTube - AIRSOFT RPG - 7 by 6th - Poland

The vulcan minigun owning a tv

airsoft flame thrower, looks like a bb hose!

YouTube - Airsoft Flamethrower!

Airsoft 50 cal barret/m249 saw. Waste of beer.

YouTube - Airesoft Barrett.50 and SAW, beercan massacre!

Theres a ton more but ive run out of time, If my spelling is bad sorry I'll fix it later.

What do all of you think? :infantry:

Ronan August 26th, 2007 16:11

What i think: Start saving money :D

philstructo August 26th, 2007 16:16

The vulcan minigun is hella expensive I think they run for something like $5000+

TokyoSeven August 27th, 2007 16:24

Good god, it would cost me so much to on BBs to run that dang flame thrower for one game. I suppose this is where that thread about bulk bbs and that post someone made about 33kg bag of .20gs would come in handy.

Aquamarine August 27th, 2007 16:31

The Barret M82A1 is a very fun gun and surprisingly light however I've only used it in 6mm, and would love to buy the 8mm version as well!

TokyoSeven August 27th, 2007 16:46


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 526939)
The Barret M82A1 is a very fun gun and surprisingly light however I've only used it in 6mm, and would love to buy the 8mm version as well!

I know your in the shower right now.

666 August 27th, 2007 17:22

Smoke.Aug.a2, all those guns are fun until you get to carry one for more than 4 hours. Big guns are usually heavy and not as practical as regular AEGs. I used an RPK in a 24hr game this weekend, pretty much carried it every time I needed to go somewhere. It becomes pain in the ass pretty fast. Mind you, all guns you mentioned probably heavier that my RPK.

TokyoSeven August 27th, 2007 17:36

I held a FMU M60 for for 5 minutes, that was to long for me. But Im also extremely lazy.

blueblaster August 27th, 2007 19:28

an EBR maybe? with a gigantic scope to contribute more weight?

deusex August 27th, 2007 20:39

smoke, add this to your list, my personal favorite, the Browning M2!!!!

YouTube - Browning M2

Smoke.Aug.a2 August 27th, 2007 23:38

HA, I dont plan on buying nor carrying any of these, The only gun I would NOT want to go up against in a match is the vulcan, Thats too much hurt for me.

I was gonna add that browning but i didnt think that video did justice Definatley a wicked gun, Feel free to add links to your favrot heavy weaponry :) i love watching them in action!

Although owning the vulcan would be pretty sweet.

Union September 2nd, 2007 17:55

OMG where can you get a .50 cal Barret like that ?!?!?!?!?
That's mny favorite gun and i didn't even know there was an airsoft version of it :O:O

Can we buy one in Canada ???
How good are they ????
What brand !!!

tony123 September 2nd, 2007 22:00


Originally Posted by Union (Post 529880)
OMG where can you get a .50 cal Barret like that ?!?!?!?!?
That's mny favorite gun and i didn't even know there was an airsoft version of it :O:O

Can we buy one in Canada ???
How good are they ????
What brand !!!

OMG! yes you can if you have the money!

To answer your questions.


Union September 6th, 2007 19:28

Well i actualy searched on google but google won't tell me if i can get in in Canada...

Well aasurplus and 007airsoft don't have them.
So i don't see how you could get it...

Google showed me that it actually exist in Airsoft version but how could we get it here...can't import for sure...

SuperCkicken September 6th, 2007 22:14

well you could always get aasurplus or 007 to do a special order for u, presuming they will

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