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TokyoSeven August 24th, 2007 03:00

My own home done gun case foam insert.
A couple of days ago I was sitting in my office bored off my face, and I had been gun case shopping online. I really wanted to order a custom done case that had the foam all fancy pre cut out and what not. But the prices to me seemed a bit high, and I couldnt very well justify buying a new case when I already own a perfectly good one. So instead of doing the work I should have been doing at the time I busted out yee old telephone book and yellow pages and started looking up textile companys in town. At the same time I started researching companys who could CNC machine said foam for me. After about an hours worth of work I came up with a local retailer who would sell me a 2inch thick hunk of foam to the length I needed for only 20 dollars. In that same hour of time I had called a few companys and had gotten quotes. Basically the cost to have the design I wanted drawn up and mapped out on the foam and the labour etc itself would have costed me anywhere from 65-150 dollars depending where I went and how fast I wanted it. So in the end I bought the foam, took a magic marker and traced out the foam myself and did all my own cutting with a bansaw and scissors. Now I know its nothing fancy, but for me, I think it went pretty well. Im no handyman, hell I dispise change the battery in my gun, but I think it came out alright.


As you can see everything fit into my case fine, but well there was room for improvement and improvement there was! Essentially with a magic marker and a ruler to measure spacing. All I did was lay my M4 down and trace around it. Lay my mags down, trace around them and leave space for the next and trace out spots for a few of my other items. Now in hindsight I should have traced everything on the side of the foam that was not going to be showing. After all my cutting alot of my marker still showed. But well all I did was flip the foam over and its just as good. I know its nothing horribly special, and alot of folks probly do this for their own guns, both real or airsoft all the time. But well I dont know, it was a cool project to me, and didnt take very long at all.

Completed pics

Like I said before, to some of you guys this may not be a huge project, but for some out there who like to experiment and give new things a shot. I suggest giving it a try. Its fairly easy, even for the non handyman type.

Styrak August 24th, 2007 03:30

That's a sweet DIY job man.

[Lithium] August 24th, 2007 03:34

to me, it would of made sense to draw on the back not only to keep lines form showing, but because its easier to trace when you dont have all those damned bumps in the foam... anyway, nice job :)

Styrak August 24th, 2007 03:35


Originally Posted by [Lithium] (Post 525243)
to me, it would of made sense to draw on the back not only to keep lines form showing, but because its easier to trace when you dont have all those damned bumps in the foam... anyway, nice job :)

I think the middle piece is just a solid piece of foam. No bumps. So the case is made of 3 pieces of foam, basically.

Capt. T/O August 24th, 2007 09:20

job well done, i say

Blackthorne August 24th, 2007 09:36

So hook us up with your foam guy! I have like three cases I need to do that to!

Armyissue August 24th, 2007 10:26

Hey every so often I see a pile of gun case foam in my travels. I'll pick you up a few feet Black

TokyoSeven August 24th, 2007 10:27

The original case had 3 piece of foam. 2 pieces glued to the top and bottom of the case and then one egg carton style piece that was removeable. The foam piece I purchased was flat on both sides.


Originally Posted by Blackthorne (Post 525292)
So hook us up with your foam guy! I have like three cases I need to do that to!

The company I purchased the foam from was Century Textiles in saskatoon saskatchewan. I dont know if they ship their product but you can get their phone number via and give them a shout. They carry 3 kinds of foam and the 2 inch semi hard is the kind I went with. It may be easier to just call around your area looking for textile companies or even fabric stores.
By the time they package a 20 dollar piece of foam to ship it may cost a little more than its worth.

Forever_kaos August 24th, 2007 12:25

Man that thing is purdy :)

TokyoSeven August 24th, 2007 12:52

In hindsight I probly should have cut the spaces for my aimpoint and tac grip just under the stock instead of under the barrel. That way I could have made room for additional magazines. Oh well. I think something inside my head told me I didnt want to keep my plastic mags with my metal ones anyways.

Fricken hell, I remeber correcting the title of this thread 3 times before posting it and it still says home down instead of home done! Maybe sexy mod can fix for me? If not maybe ugly mod fix for me?

Blackthorne August 24th, 2007 14:21


Originally Posted by Armyissue (Post 525310)
Hey every so often I see a pile of gun case foam in my travels. I'll pick you up a few feet Black


attack-beaver August 24th, 2007 14:30

i need to get off my ass and get a new gun case and do that. but i'm broke :(

TokyoSeven August 24th, 2007 14:40

You could always try it with an old guitar case and then do the foam insert.
Who knows maybe you can swing an old cheapo guitar case for less than a gun case.

Aquamarine August 24th, 2007 17:27

I should get you to do that with my rifle case :D, looks great Ken!

Ronan August 24th, 2007 18:11

I need to get a gun case lol... my soft 'carry' one is nice but wouldn't protect the gun from bumps etc. Any recommendation for a cheap one? The gun is around 1100mm long.

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