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Drake August 23rd, 2007 18:55

SO Tech dealers
Does anyone in Canada carry SO Tech gear (namely a Callahan CPCS)? According to Google, nobody seems to carry any SO Tech stuff except OPTactical and (which I'd never heard of)...

bruce August 23rd, 2007 19:21

OpTactical is where I got my Hellcat and Tomcat versions. Is there any other question about the vest itself that I can help you with?

Drake August 23rd, 2007 19:30

Nah, just trying to find one... I was looking at the KA knockoff first, but for the price I think I'll go for the real one. Was just hoping to avoid nasty duty surprises.

bruce August 23rd, 2007 19:48

Don't know what version is the KA but if you buy the SOTech, get the Tomcat version.

Drake August 23rd, 2007 19:53

KA's looks like the Hellcat version, which is what I was going to get for the real one too (v3 Hellcat). I'm selling everything off except the ARs...

bruce August 23rd, 2007 19:58

You'll have a very tight fit for your AR mags on the end internal pouches when you're wearing the vest if you get the Hellcat. Go for the Tomcat! ;)

lupo August 23rd, 2007 20:06

You shouldnt have to pay duty on it as its made in the US. Buying direct from SOtech is probably the best route but the rumor is they are a little slow with the communications lately. Optactical on the other hand has always been awesome to deal with.

bruce August 23rd, 2007 20:17

That would require the sender to provide the correct forms with the NAFTA numbers and documents that everything is produced in the USA. Then, if customs do agree that there are no duties on these, the broker will still charge you the service fees which most likely cost as much as the duties. lol

Most of the times I get charged with stuff coming in from the USA, comes out to the GST and PST plus some service charge from the shipping company.

Farmboy August 23rd, 2007 21:37

For buying gear from the US here's what your looking at.

Charges through USPS/Canada Post:

$5 - $8 charge for the forms
25% chance of getting charged duty depending what the item is called by the seller.

Through UPS/Fedex/DHL:

brokerage fees
customs duty
brokerage GST

In most cases just the list of contents, where made and price is good enough to ship.

Take a look at TAG's Gladiator rig, it's similar with built in hydration.

Drake August 24th, 2007 02:31

Gladiator is just a chest rig though? I'm looking for a hard plate carrier (for Force Recon setup, PACA low vis + PC).

Wanted to do something different than the usually seen PACA + MBSS/MLCS or Eagle PC... found one pic where they appear to be using a Wasatch:

Brakoo suggested the RRV... I just generally prefer the look of the Callahan, and the "convertability" gives it extra bang for the buck if I decide to go with just a plate carrier look.

Thanks to all who responded!

Lerch August 24th, 2007 02:38

Don't any of you guys live near the border?
I always have my US items sent to a PO Box across the line and then I bring them across myself. Saves on shipping and the duty only comes to about $15 for a $100 item...

ILLusion August 24th, 2007 04:40

I ordered my Tomcat and several items on separate occasions directly from SOTech several times, and they were great to deal with each and every time.

They even go through the trouble of filling out the NAFTA forms so you don't get nailed in the ass with stupid 18% clothing duties... (I got hit once with that before - I'm still bitter about it.)

The only thing is, they don't ship via USPS. Only through companies such as UPS, Fedex, DSL, etc and they ALL charge brokerage fees. Just that UPS is just the most notorious for it because they WON'T release the package to you till you pay it. All the other companies will silently slip a bill in your mail about a month later...

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