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YourNoob June 16th, 2007 16:17

After Kuramae, Airsoft Legality?
Hey I went over to this store on Hyway 7 and it was selling army surplus and it is in a chinese plaza with Golden Court Restraraunt. And That guy in the store told me that now Airsoft is Illegal after the Kuramae Hobby store incident in pacific mall. Is this true? He even took out a police documentation with several sheets of paper indicating that York Regional by laws have banned airsoft guns. And it seemed pretty serious as that store used to sell airsoft because he still has accesories like green gas, clips, and bbs.

Anyone can help me clear this up?

philstructo June 16th, 2007 16:19

Airsoft is not Illegal if it was I dont think tere would be this many players.

Airsoft is in what everyone calls the greyzone It is legal
I dunno if this is true its just what I have gathered from other peoples posts.


YourNoob June 16th, 2007 16:20

BTW, The store is called creative

The Saint June 16th, 2007 16:26

1. What exactly did the papers he showed you say?
2. As far as I know, there aren't any airsoft fields in the York region, so a municipal ban is non-issue. Brandishing or discharging airsoft guns in public should be prosecutable by default anyways.

SovietHippie June 16th, 2007 16:28

I know for a fact that they wanted to pass a bill making Airsoft Possession illegal in York Region, not sure if it went through, I'm positive that they banned the instore sale of them though, Could a Markham/Richmond Hill player confirm this for me, as I do not live there?

YourNoob June 16th, 2007 16:39

He showed me kinda like a police report in a duatang folder. It showed the 3 names of the people which of all where most likely Chinese Mainlanders and it states that what defines an airsoft gun, how it looks to be considered as an airsoft. On the top of the sheet it had a York Regional Police Letterheader which
would tell me that the cops obviously wanted the public to know.

Drache June 16th, 2007 16:44

I know that it's against the local BYLAWS here to discharge any firearm, airgun, bow, crossbow, etc within city limits, even in your own backyard.

Scooby Steve June 16th, 2007 17:35

It was likely just a media release. Every police force (hate that word "service") issues them on their website.

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