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Foxbat555 April 13th, 2007 23:04

getting into airsoft
Hi all, I'm new to this forum.
I'minteresting in getting into airsoft this summer and, well question is,,,.
Any tips n such on getting into this pastime that anyone can offer?
such as, building up a local contact list, for local enthusiasts, local events,,,.
Thanks for any tips, I'm based in southern ontario near toronto btw.;)


Scooby Steve April 13th, 2007 23:10

Be prepared to invest several hundred dollars and please be 18 or over.

CalvinTat April 14th, 2007 00:15



Originally Posted by Scooby Steve (Post 454013)
Be prepared to invest several thousand dollars and please be 18 or over.

Bullpup Dog April 14th, 2007 00:57

yeah...dont listen to above person "CalvinTat". several hundred is right, unless you want a very expensive loadout. for just getting a gun and bbs and battery, its several hundred. if you would like to get into the role play then its more expensive.

Foxbat555 April 14th, 2007 00:59

Thanks for the tip.
I am over 18, and I have money too.
I'v been collecting pellet guns for some time, mostly the german umarex brand guns and,,, guess it was inevitable that I got into airsoft to expand my collection of replica's (but a year ago, I was not planing on getting into airsoft,, lol).
2 b honest I would "collect" airsoft guns but only the most high end items for collection sake.
But I'm really interested in getting involved in some good gaming fun too.
I dont really have any friends that are interested into getting into airsoft with me thus the post.

I do have a nice collection of pellet guns though,, and umarex is where its at for replicas (pellet guns that is but they are also making airsoft too now!).
I got a p88 nickel plated, (all metal) except the plastic on the grips.
beretta 92, nickel plated.
p99 compact, bb, blowback.
ppk, bb, blowback
got a nighthawk, distributed by crosman, but the gun is a umarex cp sport double action only, with red dot scope (12 brightness settings) a mock silencer, tac flashlight (its insanly bring too) and has a touchpad switch adapter for the handle so you can toggle the lamp on/off.

I have 3 crosman guns too,
the new T4 glock replica,
1377, moded
the backpacker, moded with a serious scope.

and well, as far as pellet guns are concerned im reaching the endpoint of my collection, i would buy a colt in nickel plating, and the desert eagle and baby variant. (umarex)

and now i'm getting into airsoft and would like to get some tips on anything related, like getting local contacts, events, ect...


Pip April 14th, 2007 01:04

Add your location to your profile that way locals can get in touch with you, also read up on the FAQ's and check out your local area of the games/players section. Other than that, welcome to the sport :)

Foxbat555 April 14th, 2007 01:10

how do i get to the local area games section?
i feel kinda dorky now, lol,, just didnt see it in the site i guess, errr.


Scooby Steve April 14th, 2007 01:52

At the very top of the page on the left is a "Community" button. You can also click on "Forums" and scroll down to the Players and Events section.

Foxbat555 April 14th, 2007 02:00

thanks, i had a frame from my site above and seemed to hide the uper section of the site. got it, ;)


six4 April 14th, 2007 02:21


Originally Posted by Foxbat555 (Post 454146)
thanks, i had a frame from my site above and seemed to hide the uper section of the site. got it, ;)


welcome to your newest addiction, strawberry crack,,:confused: ,,oops,,i meant airsoft games

swatt13 April 14th, 2007 02:26

no, no six4 its "strawberry cough" - NAME IT!!? just watched it tonight myself.

Foxbat555 April 14th, 2007 02:34


Originally Posted by six4 (Post 454151)
welcome to your newest addiction,

thanks, i cant wait to start playing,, my first AEG should arrive in a week or so.
i got a tokyo mauri mp5 clone,, (now im already thinking of getting a high end m4 carbine or something that'l scare the devil himself, errr.)
for the time being i cant wait to get my item, i ordered it from
all i need to do is get some couple of airsoft friends now. lol


Scooby Steve April 14th, 2007 03:24

That Umarex stuff is nice. I might have to get a couple. I'm liking the p99's. You might forget about the Umarex Desert Eagles when you see what Tokyo Marui has to offer.

six4 April 14th, 2007 05:15


Originally Posted by swatt13 (Post 454153)
no, no six4 its "strawberry cough" - NAME IT!!? just watched it tonight myself.

hey!! it's the u.n. dude,,it's six4(ken) here ( my socom says hi:D ) just teasin man,,im still talking about those games when your crew came here to play,,good times man,,good times.

Greylocks April 14th, 2007 09:19

You should have done more research and contacted local players to see/try guns before ordering anything. Quality does count.
I hope you got lucky.

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