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Erik2 April 12th, 2007 13:07

New Bang Stick

This is my first airsoft rifle. Just arrived at my door about 30 minutes ago!

CA M15A4 SPR with my Glock 19.

Same picture, backed onto my mother's horribly ugly rug for less glare:

Not sure what I am going to do to it yet. I have an R.I.S hand grip, but it is painted camo so I decided not to put it on for the picture. Still have to spray bomb it black. Probably next is a bi pod and some sort of sighting device. I love the look of the AR15 marksman rifles, so I will probably get this heading in that direction.
The Glock already has a metal slide and works fine. So probably just pick up another mag and it will be good to go.

gamz April 12th, 2007 13:11

Very nice. Any barrel wobble?

philstructo April 12th, 2007 13:27

I Like

You must be excited to game it

Pip April 12th, 2007 13:27

Pretty sweet for your first gun :)

Erik2 April 12th, 2007 13:30


Originally Posted by philstructo (Post 453029)
I Like

You must be excited to game it

Saying I am excited to game it would be the understatement of the year.

Unfortunately, the army is taking up most of my weekends with courses and ex's. So I am only going to be able to get out to a few games with in the next couple months.
Come September I'll be in Petawawa, so I am going to have to find games out that way.

CDN_Stalker April 12th, 2007 13:38

I'd call it more of a "Zip Stick" than a bang stick. Lol, congrats on your new baby!

Lerch April 12th, 2007 14:13

Is it any coincidence that Fortunes Of War was playing at the time I opened this thread up?

Definately a nice rifle, one that I would get should I go for another Armalite.

Amazing KG3 April 12th, 2007 14:44

how do the MAG magazines seat? i ordered a few for my CQB

Lakonian April 12th, 2007 15:33

LOL bang stick? sounds like something you'd use to violate someone with. Nice rifle. I'm not a big fan of the length though. More of a cqb guy.

Moderate April 12th, 2007 18:33

That looks long, but should be wicked to field it ;)

Polo609 April 12th, 2007 18:56

Nice man, i used to have the exact same first setup! A word of advice, hold on to that spr for a while. I loved mine, but decided to let it go and now i regret selling it and buying something else. I placed an aimpoint on mine with high mount. Have fun!
ps a C79 sight replica would look so pimp on that!

Erik2 April 17th, 2007 20:33


Originally Posted by Polo609 (Post 453301)
ps a C79 sight replica would look so pimp on that!

I get enough time to play with a C79. Not to mention I absolutely hate them.

Wondering what you guys would think of an M203 mounted on this? I am absolutely torn with what I want to do with it.
Thinking of a long M203 with an Aimpoint replica or a bipod with some sort of scope.
Also thinking of painting the stock, grip, R.I.S grip thingy's and mags a Desert Tan color.

While compared to a M4 it is a long rifle, but I use a C7A1 to clear rooms and I don't find it that bad. Either that or I am just used to the length. And if I ever find myself in a CQB situation I have my Glock on my thigh.

GIVE ME IDEAS! I have money to burn.

attack-beaver April 17th, 2007 21:02

i would myself turn it in to a DMR.

R.A.T.M._JLD April 17th, 2007 21:45


Originally Posted by attack-beaver (Post 456357)
i would myself turn it in to a DMR.

Don't you mean SDM-R. The DMR is a modified and accurized version of the M14 rifle.

Ok I'm wrong the SAM-R would be closer to the DMR.

**Don't mind me. I'm just bored and waiting for supper.**

Oz April 17th, 2007 23:23

The world needs more of that. Remember, when it comes to an M203, RIS means wrong, Barrel mount!

As for the paint, throw your barrel cap on, give it an overall meduim spray of tan with some brown then tie a string to the triangle sight and drag it around a gravel parkinglot for a bit.

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