Airsoft Canada

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.Farrel. March 28th, 2007 00:53

Nooooooooob..advice please
Hey so im new to the actual game of airsoft..I used to play about a year and a half ago with those weak ass spring plastic got old tho cuz we didnt have an actual team or anything..anyways, my buddy is starting up a team and everything and im curious to know what the costs are going to be..
for example, what is $500 canadian going to do for me? could i buy myself a decent gun, ammo, sum add ons and armor or am i going to need more? anyone have a website where i can look at ordering that kind of stuff from canada(dont wanna have to deal with the border) Ive found a few websites but they all american and i wanna pay canadian and have no risk trying to get an actual airsoft gun across the border(nota clear one) Theres a local gun shop nearby and it carries hunting equipment and shit and its where i got my plastic one awile u think they would order in a metal one? Is there a website explaining where lots of tournaments are held and what not. How many members you need on a team and you think u should have an extra person or two if someone isnt dedicated to coming to tournaments and shit? If theres any other things i need to know about can u please just leave a post explaining anything about the game of airsoft.. Thanks alot

tony123 March 28th, 2007 01:09

Im going to do this before greylocks gets it.

1) READ THE FAQS!!! and get age verified.

2)On the top of the page there is a canadian retailers button. (Press it)

3)To start off your going to need at least $1000. (includes gear, gun, battery, accesories, clothing, so on so on.)

4)There is pages on this form talking about games and ther times.

5)And for any extra advice: If your not 18 or older you can't legally own an airsoft "replica", so just give up hope until your 18.

surebet March 28th, 2007 01:12


Fidget11 March 28th, 2007 01:29

in before the flames and likely eventual ban....

.Farrel. March 28th, 2007 01:41

dont know what the last two posts meant but wahtever haha
gotta nother u have to be 18 to use airsoft replicas in tournaments or just need to be 18 to purhcase them?

Fidget11 March 28th, 2007 01:50

18+ applies across the board...

and there are not "tournaments" thats a paintball thing. hunting stores wont help you, and neither will hunting gear.

oh and READ THE FAQ its there for a reason

Naerah March 28th, 2007 02:09

greylock must be in holidays lol

surebet March 28th, 2007 02:39

There are no tourneys in airsoft. The experience is it's own reward.

Fill in your profile, including age and location. You'll be better directed to local ressources.

Read the Faqs. Seriously. It's all in there.

The usual initial investment rouns between 700$ and 1500$. 500$ is a good start. Get age verified to get acces to good deals.

Only play on designated land. Your backyard is not designated land and neither is the local park.


Greylocks March 28th, 2007 08:03

I do sleep guys.

Let's keep it super simple; if you are in Canada, and not 18 yet, wait. That will solve all your problems (apart from reading the FAQ as you were told).

If you are 18 or more, get your age verified (there is a process, just read about it).

PS: Why wait? Cant you guys use the reporting button? It's the triangle with the exclamation point.

Janus March 28th, 2007 09:24


"Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising messages, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts."

While annoying, n00bs who don't read the FAQ are like the square pegs we try to fit into the round hole. It takes a pounding with a sledgehammer to make them fall into place, and you feel much better afterwards. that what I meant?

I just woke up. :(

Greylocks March 28th, 2007 10:32

I meant in general, like with that Conman-child.

Let's hope this guy does not get that bad.

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