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Dante March 26th, 2007 18:18

Hey Everyone
Hey Guys, seeing on how I am 18 now I have gained a little more interest in Airsofting. For the past year I have been reading up on airsoft on and off so I know about the laws and I know that I need to be mature about playing the sport. I do have a couple of questions however;

First I am interested in both indoor and outdoor play. I have the money to do both. The question is, how useful is a sniper when it comes to outdoor play? I know that you need to have alot of patience which I do, but are they actually useful during play.

My second question is for weapons like the M4A1 (the TM one in particular) do they come ready to be modified for optics etc. And the same questions goes for the sniper rifle. (If it matters what Sniper rifle, I have my eyes set on the Classic Army M24 Socom)

Thanks alot guys, I hope to meet alot of you soon :)

LaZeDoUt^Jr. March 26th, 2007 18:26

your going to get alot of the same answers. Everyone is going to tell you to read up and search the board. There is plenty of information answering your questions. Im sorry if this has nothing to do with your topic but i thought i would just warn you. Here is a page on upgrading.

LaZeDoUt^Jr. March 26th, 2007 18:28

your going to get alot of the same answers. Everyone is going to tell you to read up and search the board. There is plenty of information answering your questions. Im sorry if this has nothing to do with your topic but i thought i would just warn you. Here is a page on upgrading.

The m4 comes with a flat top rail to mount optics on. I dont know about the M24. Alot of people will say that since your a starter you probably wont want a sniper. Some people will say TM for reliability. I will leave the rest for more experienced people.

sorry for double post, my mistake.

Dante March 26th, 2007 19:42

okay thanks alot for that link I will read it when I get home from work. As for people thinking that new players shouldn't become snipers, why?

LaZeDoUt^Jr. March 26th, 2007 19:47

i would believe because beginners shouldnt upgrade their guns. Snipers dont work as you would want them to unless they are upgraded. As a beginner, you would want to have a stock gun. Get to know how stock guns shoot and than after a while if you decide you want to tinker with the gun to get it too shoot harder etc than you go ahead. You may decide the gun shoots good as it is. In some cases, with upgrades comes more chance of breakage. Keep that in mind.

thephenom March 26th, 2007 19:50


Originally Posted by Dante (Post 444330)
okay thanks alot for that link I will read it when I get home from work. As for people thinking that new players shouldn't become snipers, why?

The elaborated format is that, most new players have a wrong perception of snipers mainly caused by Hollywood movie. In airsoft, BA snipers don't outrange AEGs by much unlike the real world, so half the time you're either just scouting around, or just laying in the bushes. Sniper kills aren't very glorified either.

So yeah, Sniper role isn't for everyone. And depending where you're located, some of the games have little room for snipers to really run/hide themselves properly.

Dante March 26th, 2007 21:07

Well I live in Brantford which is close to Hamilton. I've gotten used to using my friends tm ak spetz for awhile until I could afford my own. Do you think that a TM M4 is a good starting gun. It is my favorite rifle and from what I hear all guns shoot somewhat alike.

attack-beaver March 26th, 2007 21:32

well heres an idea instead of a 100% sniper why not try and DM (designated marksmen)

the idea is take a long gun I.E M16, G3, G36, AK or any other rifle with some barrel length and make it shoot semi only (so you can get a FPS boost over normal AEG's) get a nice long barrel maybe a tight bore and play that role so you can get a mix of both the sniper and still be able to play like a normal solder cause sniping gets boring quick.

Pip March 26th, 2007 22:04

Yeah, and if you really feel like making your gun the super sex, you can start with an M4 of some description and over time mod it out to an SPR.

LaZeDoUt^Jr. March 26th, 2007 22:10

Keep in mind the TM M4 has a barrel wobble issue. A TM AK would be a good choice. I had one. Also, an mp5 is a comfy gun to use.

lt_poncho March 26th, 2007 23:57


Originally Posted by LaZeDoUt^Jr. (Post 444409)
Keep in mind the TM M4 has a barrel wobble issue.

That's the biggest common misconception - i've owned M4's and just about every other gun over many years - it's how you treat, maintain and handle the gun that really makes a difference. Barrel wobble happens when you don't take care/precautions about a known issue. It's still not a valid reason to not get one and get an AK or something else 'just because of a barrel wobble issue.

What about the AK problems, or the MP5 series problems? G3? It's like Unix OS issues - you don't hear about them because so few bitch about them. But everyone knows all about Windows OS.

So think of the M4 as MS Windows. Many versions, many patches, but still fun to own.

Jar|-|ead March 27th, 2007 00:04


Originally Posted by lt_poncho (Post 444473)
So think of the M4 as MS Windows. Many versions, many patches, but still fun to own.

PERFECT WAY to explain an

Rukus March 27th, 2007 01:38

I have an M4, barrel wobble is fairly minor, unless you abuse it, my m4 hasn't given me any problems as of yet and it is upgraded (400+ fps). If your looking for something you can use indoor and outdoor, you want just a stock rifle until you can afford a second one. The G36c isn't too bad either just the mags are pretty pricey.

Greylocks March 27th, 2007 09:12


Originally Posted by Dante (Post 444330)
okay thanks alot for that link I will read it when I get home from work. As for people thinking that new players shouldn't become snipers, why?

The guns tend to be very long, so that kills the close quarters gaming right away. Next, sniper guns in airsoft are not really that accurate compared to a more useful AEG. To get a 'sniper' to really shoot well, you must have deep pockets and patience.

Go to a game, rent a few different guns, you'll learn fast enough (on top of reading what was suggested). Never buy something like an airsoft gun right off the bat when you have the chance to really try them first.

You would not buy a car just by reading about it, right?

-=]MH[=-RaiDen March 28th, 2007 20:30

OMFG why are my crosshairs moving that shouldn't happen O.o it doesn't in CS
WTFBBQ why aren't my BBs hitting where i'm looking. and why is that guy's face bleeding its ONLY over 400 FPS.

*You see in the background, while I load my M249 with my trigger finger twitching*

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