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MSgt_Bandit March 23rd, 2007 17:52

AK Chest Rig Advice
Hey All,

I'm having a dilemma selecting a chest rig to accomodate AK74 style magazines. My selection criteria boils down to the following:

- Cannot hold more than four spare magazines.

- Cannot have too many accessory pouches for junk items. The whole purpose of this rig is to create high speed with low drag, meaning I wish for it to hold spare mags and nothing else.

- Must have some sort of quiet(er) opening device such as fastex buckles, toggles, etc. Absolutely no velcro!

- Must be of decent quality construction.

Now with these requirements in mind, I have thus far narrowed my selection down to either the 4-cell CHICOM rig, or the C2 mag-bra as a viable alternative. My question is, will the C2 mag bra comfortably accept AK74 style magazines? I've read that the 7.62x39 magazines are a tight fit, but I was wondering if the same is true for the straighter 5.45x39 magazine?

Also, for those of you with experiences wearing both styles of rigs mentioned above, which is the better choice in terms of comfort, construction, wearability, etc?

If there are any other alternatives out there that fit my criteria please pass it on to me. Please keep in mind that I'm going for simplicity and functionality over any "look cool factor", and I'm not out to make any sort of impression either. I'm just looking for a straight-up functional piece of gear that will suit my purpose.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

MADDOG March 23rd, 2007 18:37

C2 Mag Bra
The C2 does fit the AK mags no problem, but they go a little deep in the pocket and can be hard to get out with gloves on. You can get around this by doing field expedient mag pulls with para-cord and duct tape on the mags if needed. It doesn't have any shoulder padding so it may become a little uncomfortable after a full day. It is cheap and easy to aquire. It works well and is simple to get on and off and adjust if needed.



Vince March 24th, 2007 00:45

I have both, and I only have a Chicom for my Nam stuff, but I found out that, hey it works quite well! Only three mags in the original variation, but it's a second rig worn over webbing so... But the toggles are such a pain in the ass to open fast!!!!! I usually put some M16 30rnd in and don't fasten the toggle. The C2 opens faster, has more mags, same simple design. Except that the C2 bra lays higher on the chest (less adjustability than the Chicom). For confort, since it's airsoft and mags are ligther than the real stuff, you feel much weight on shoulders.

But have a look on Ebay there are plenty of variation that have better design than both of those. Although AK mags are no go with this one, I'd truly suggest you the british army DPM chestrig, confy, and plenty of room for other things in the two bulky utility pouches

H-G March 24th, 2007 01:51

chicom chicom chicom

Lerch March 24th, 2007 02:19

There's one chest rig on eBay in DPM, carries 6 mags though...oh well.

Skruface March 24th, 2007 12:16

Jamie, I know it's a bit more than what you're looking for, but you can't go wrong with the real deal, a Russian Pioneer M23 chest rig - it's what I've been rocking for 6 years with my AK. High speed, low drag, modern, but not a lot of extra pouches and shit hanging off it you won't need. Pair it up with the hydration system of your choice and you can't go wrong. I have the OD version, but Red Soldier has it in woodland and OD for under $100 CDN.

ThunderCactus March 24th, 2007 16:21

probably not what your into, might cost more than you want to spend. but there are MOLLE belts and pouches
comes in black OD tan and ACU, as do the mag pouches

Bandit March 24th, 2007 18:54

Skruface> I've got the exact same chestrig. I am very pleased with it and has served me very well. The only problem is that the pockets are all velcro. I've found that mags will stay in well if the flap is tucked into the mag pocket and the mag pushed in on top of it.

euroboost April 7th, 2007 00:28

check out extreme tactics there are two vests on that site that would work
one is even called the ak vest
i just bought a vest today and it works great holds 8 ak mags and a lot of other goodies but stil a lbv nice an roomey light for outdoor and indoor
i think the name is viper tactical lbv not really sure though

ColtFarmer April 7th, 2007 01:24

cant go wrong with a chicom rig man. it's the very definition of low-drag highspeed. the mags sit so well that I rarely need to actually CLOSE the togs as long as you're not doing handstands on the field they should stay put, durable as hell and very cheap to boot, I picked up two last year for about $55.


ColtFarmer April 7th, 2007 01:24

forgot to mention it's comfortable as hell too, wearing an Omega tac now after that makes me imagine i'm in a victorian corset.

Freedom Fighter April 7th, 2007 11:29

Another vote here for ChiCom. Can't be beat. Aside from the toggles (which are fine if you DO NOT use gloves) they are perfect and have everything your looking for. Quiet, low drag, designed for AK mags, and they don't cost a darn thing!

You can get them in 4 and 5 mag versions but are insanely rare. I have seen them in photographs but that's it. There are an abundance of 3 mag versions though. Generally quite easy to obtain.

I'd suggest going with the ChiCom to start. For the price you can't go wrong.

Alexander Knight

lykurgus April 7th, 2007 13:01

hey,, hope this helps,, not to good with links so this may be a cut and paste mission,,

, lykurgus.

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