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Gryphon March 19th, 2007 21:37

Classic Army GBB pistols!
About damn time! :D

Oh yeah, there's also the M14, AR-10, and HK53.

R.A.T.M._JLD March 19th, 2007 21:49

Brakoo March 19th, 2007 21:50

I don't know about you but considering the problems their first line of AEG had I'm not sure I want to be one of the first one to try out their new pistols once they get released.

The Saint March 19th, 2007 21:51

Everytime I see that M14 Scout, I ask myself if I should've waited for it instead of buying the TM14 SOCOM.

I eagerly await another full metal 1911. I like my WE, but it is (literally) a fair weather gun. I think the industry could do better without users having to resort to aftermarket stuff. :)

Kid March 19th, 2007 21:54

I dropped my drink when I saw the metal Colt.

...even though the glass was empty, I have never done that before.

I just hope it's a M1911A1...

LUTNIT March 19th, 2007 22:19

I don't think it was CA first line of guns that were bad, it was the company as a whole. Their quality control was garbage and they they produced garbage products, it was the entire company, not just the line of guns. The company took an about face and now produces some damn fine products, my CA36 is from really early in its production shortly after the G36 series was released by CA and its great.

*Edit* and oh yeah, I want that 1911 :)

CA is also going to be making bioBB's? That green bag, says something-"oBB's" which could be bio considering it says "within 2 weeks" on it as well. Hopefully cheaper and not as frequently jamming as some other brands of bio BB's.

*Edit 2* okay I see in some other pictures their "ECOBB's"

ThunderCactus March 19th, 2007 23:07

its nice to finally see the longer mags for the HK33 series, but i'll bet its a hicap

Fusion-X March 19th, 2007 23:44

that 1911 is goin to be crazy, i can't wait

Yuu March 19th, 2007 23:48

Can't wait for the M14 scout.

hattrick March 20th, 2007 00:07

the 1911 has no trigger, wonder how long we'll have to wait....

Rumpel Felt March 20th, 2007 00:11

Mmm the 1911 looks the exact way I would want to have with black grips. Hopefully they have silver mags for it. Very intresting....wonder how much this new shizzle will cost?

made Man March 20th, 2007 00:27

Look like the single stack one. FINALLY.

BBS March 20th, 2007 01:19

and their GBBs will probably have LOTS of metal in them....

but the frame of the Glock 26 looks a bit glossy.

attack-beaver March 20th, 2007 01:42

HK53 = kick ass indoor gun! :D me like!

[Lithium] March 20th, 2007 01:58


Originally Posted by BBS (Post 441042)
and their GBBs will probably have LOTS of metal in them....

but the frame of the Glock 26 looks a bit glossy.

Glocks have polymer frames though, do they not?

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