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Chimera January 10th, 2007 13:37

Which dot sight?

I'm thinking about buying a dot sight. I very much like the G&P Military Type 30mm Dot Sight. I also like the acog scope design. Now is there a acog dot sight? And is g&p the only manufacturer who makes these two sights/scopes ?
Real steel is a bit to expencive, so thats no option (atm)
And does anyone have some good pictures of a m15ac TC with those sights?

I found this on the web. Is there an airsoft version of it? G&p only sells a dummy version of the sight

And what's the quality of the sights? Are they good enough or would you advice an other sight?

k2x5 January 10th, 2007 14:04

Guarder also makes a RDS Acog, I have one on my CAM15 Carbine and I love it. Got it from the armoury for $150 Though they're currently sold out as I bought the last one.

Or, you could check WGC and get in on a group order.

Chimera January 10th, 2007 16:58

well i think i got it.
This looks good.
Any sugestions for a nice reddot? Does any (holo) reddot fit on this acog?

Droc January 11th, 2007 12:20

The ACOG looks bitching, but G&P is the way to go with them.
I belive you can replace the dummy optic with a replica one.

also would like to suggest this

Its a different look, and its not a real holosight, but as an RDS, it still looks cool, and it is the optic of choice for special forces.

ex January 11th, 2007 12:39

Just an FYI on the Hurrican Holosight's there are two available.The 551 is a RED Dot and the 552 is (according to what I have read) actually a Holosight.

Hurricane 552 Holo Sight
# Hurricane's latest Holo-Sight the 552 is a beautiful full metal holographic sight that is a replica of the popular military EO-tech sight. This sight is digitally adjusted and can be set to either red of green sights. Operates just like the EOTECH sight. Press the UP button and the unit turns on. Press the UP and DOWN buttons to adjust intensity, or the middle W button to change between red and green holographic pattern. Press both buttons at the same time and the unit will turn off. Perfectly designed for the M4 - install this sight onto the flat-top rail of your M4 - your M4 / M16 front sight will NOT obstruct the holographic image since its located high enough to look over the top of the front sight. The 552 features an auto-adjustable brightness reticle, which automatically adjusts the brightness level by detecting the ambient light. This feature does not exist on the 551 model. Features include: Red & Green dot color changeable (digitally).
# 20 level manual brightness adjustment.
# Auto-brightness adjustment
# Low power indicator.
# 2 hours auto shut down.
# UV tempered lens.
# Moisture Resistant design.
# Battery: 2x AA batteries (not included)
# Full metal construction
This is the red dot version. It's a copy of the Eotech 551

Beefhammer January 11th, 2007 12:53

Millet. Buy a millet red dot sight from Island Tactical. They cost about $75 Canadian w tax and shipping. They are easy to adjust and are a real working red dot sight. Also ultradot. they are aimpoint copy red dot scopes and are still a good deal at $125 Canadian. Oh yeah Trijicon (the manufacturer of the ACOG) do make a red dot/ holo sight.

wey ferro January 11th, 2007 16:23

those hurricane eotechs are more then a real one on ebay haha

Chimera January 11th, 2007 17:39

Thank you so much for the info.
I found someone who sells his G&P acog (copy of the TA01NSN) with a Samurai reddot on it and a Trijicon ACOG Killflash. What would be a fair price for these things? Its in good contition.
It's a bit urgent, so i hope someone can tell me a decent price for this?

He bought it for 279 usd. Would 200 usd be a good price?

Chimera January 12th, 2007 10:45

please help me on this one, realy like to buy it but for a good price :)
A picture:

Droc January 12th, 2007 11:54

yah, thats a good price.

the ACOG by G&P usually runs about $180USD
The Samurai optic runs about $78USD
and the killflash runs about $42

Im sure you can do the math on that one.

wey ferro January 12th, 2007 14:35

the mount might be an extra bit of money(the samurai mount) some acogs you need to buy them extra i dont knwo about that one.

-SWAT- January 12th, 2007 22:51

i have both the G&P Aimpoint and the ACOG 4x.

i recommend both of them, it all just depends what you want to go with and your loadout and its practicallities.

theres no point in getting a ACOG RDS, it defeats the purpose of the ACOG, get an Aimpoint from G&P in you want a RDS and VISA VERSA

Amazing KG3 March 8th, 2007 20:40

I just ordered one of those 552 replicas, heres hoping there good at 300 CAD.

Jughead March 8th, 2007 20:55

My friend has one and it looks pretty close to the original.. But doesnt fuction the same.

I was going to buy one also, but decided to go with the Bushnell model, as it works similar to the Eotech, but doesnt have the metal outer caseing. I decided on the bushnell also for night games and low light situations; Where a red dot sight shows up at times and gives away your position. But with the Hurricane you get the green retricle also so that may help out in the area.

It will look great on your gun, you will have to post a pic once you get it...

Amazing KG3 March 8th, 2007 20:59

yeah, ive put everything on my CA36K, from Aimpoint M2 to ACOG, even thoughs little 4 reticle holosights, nothing looks right, so i just had to get a 552. It has a QD silencer, and an RAS, so hopefully itll look good.

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