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Hopefully this can/will ease some peoples mind of the future of airsoft.
Ok so I know this interview with a cop has been done before, however in light of all the recent events and the wondering/fear that we may be approached at a game by members of the police, I decided to talk to the cops. I spoke with an RCMP Constable from the surrey detachment. I spent almost an hour with him brought my guns for him to look at in the event he was unfamiliar with airsoft, I educated him on what we are about, what we play and a little bit about the community. I then simply asked him as far as the police are concerned if he sees anything wrong with airsoft as a sport or if we are in fact breaking any laws. In witch he responded ‘as long as we (the community) are playing in a responsible manor, at a designated area he and the RCMP as a whole have no concerns with airsoft and the ownership or replica firearms’. In addition he stated am I know everyone here is aware but if replica firearms are used in any type of assault or crime that you will be charged exactly the same as if it was a real firearm, also regarding storage, due to the fact airsoft weapons are not real firearms there are now requirements on storage or transportation., now storing them in a locked gun case is going above and beyond what their/his expectations would be in a situation where he was presented with someone transporting their guns.
Basically as far as the police are concerned they don’t give 2 shits what we do as long as we are being responsible. They have no desire to ban airsoft/enforce any ban if it came down to that, on in anyway harass us for playing our sport. On a side note the constable seamed very interested in airsoft even spending several minutes looking/playing with my guns. Had several of his colleges look at them and remarked at how amazingly realistic they were. He looked at several pictures and seamed genuinely interested in our sport. So to sum it all up we do not have to worry about being raided at a game or having any issues if we get pulled over heading to or from a game. As long as we are being responsible and not acting in any aggressive or subjective manor we are just fine. So for everyone thinking we are not safe and will become targets we need not worry. Now if only the customs guys could be this reasonable. |
This has been said before, but good on you for condensing it.
Firstly: Bravo to you for educating the local constabulary on our sport.
Keep in mind, however, that he IS a constable....the lowest rung on the ladder. He doesn't set the rules, and just because he said you're not doing anything wrong doesn't make our hobby "acceptable" by the powers that be. He's just one guy. Now, if you can get the Federal Justice Minister and the CFO's Office on our side, it'll be time for celebration. :) |
While I appreciate the efforts you undertook I think it is very important to point out that you're making a potentially dangerous generalization with your conclusion.
I'd say itsa good start. perhaps we could approach more officers in a wider range of area. bring them into the gaming community and build support.
Having several friends in the Surrey RCMP detachment, I've asked each and every one of them and they've all said pretty much the same thing. Except they could only speak on their own personal behalf as mentioned above. If you get a pissed off cop that's having a really bad day, he can basically make you have an equally bad day. Most RCMP or police officers will give the same canned response when talking about airsoft "responsible manner, blah blah blah". This doesn't make it completely clear as to what is okay with them though. Good effort though and I'm sure there is at least one less officer we have to worry about (potentially more if his colleagues looked interested as well). :)
Any positive encounter with anyone in a position to act against airsoft is a good thing. I think you did a good job. Most people in this sport have already begun talking about selling thier weapons and moving on... Nice to hear of a member with a set !!. We should all try to make an effort to educate more people about our sport, only those who are afraid will try to stop you, and that goes for both sides.
Ok I am a newbie so I am supposed to sit straight and speak when spoken to but I thought the general consent was too keep air soft out of the lime light positive or negative. Wouldn’t doing what you said go against that? |
Good job on taking on behalf of the local community to educate, inform and find out what the local RCMP's general feelings on airsoft. I would have been paranoid to say the least that they would have conficated my airsoft equipment. Now I may reconsider that trip to the local detachment.
good on ya man. but as it was stated before, he was only a constable and at the bottom of the totem pole. but hey, the more police officers know about the sport, the better in the long run, but hey, some of them might even be interested enough to come out to a game! good job
Why the cops they just inforce the law, why not someone who makes the laws?
I do realise he is mearly one cop however id rather have one cop at a time on our side then no cops on our side. |
Constables don't really matter as said before. Infact, I know several constables for OPP and other enforcement agencies who actually play airsoft quite a bit. Its the higher people you gotta worry bout.
It is, or should be a well known fact that residents, including the police force in small towns are far more laid back with regards to just about everything ... airsoft included. I would be suprised if the police force in larger cities such as Toronto would have a similiar attitude.
At any rate I don't worry because I see airsoft guns for what they are intended to be, toys. |
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