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bruce September 19th, 2006 02:32

M-14 EBR
Just did a quick assembly to see what she will look like. There are a few things that are in transit and when it gets here, I'll try to get better pictures.

This is the King Arms EBR conversion kit for the TM M14 with a G&P M3 scope and sniper mount. The internal parts have yet to arrive so she's stock at the moment. The kit was a breeze to assemble with a 10 min instructional CD that was included.

This is a very front heavy gun. There's no battery and bipod on it and I can feel that it's not going to be fun to carry it for extended periods.

TrueTGN September 19th, 2006 02:40

Very nice looking gun, what did the conversion kit run you by itself?

Laike September 19th, 2006 02:43

Thats beautiful!

Look at the bright side, your arms will be bulging with muscles if you carry it around enough!

bruce September 19th, 2006 02:53

It goes for around $600US. Christmas came early for me this year. :-D

I'll just have to get use to it like my other front heavy guns. Or else it'll stay at home. :lol:

Drake September 19th, 2006 03:05

As usual, nice gun Bruce :)

Tie some weights to it and carry it around all winter; by spring you can remove the weights and it'll feel nice and light, and you'll have forearms like Popeye :lol:

FOX_111 September 19th, 2006 03:06

Very sexy rifle!
If it's too front heavy, put a bipod with wheels! :wink:

Allrigh, I'm going to bed now! :-(

ILLusion September 19th, 2006 04:09

damn you bruuuuuce!!!!

Mason September 19th, 2006 15:29


Originally Posted by ILLusion
damn you bruuuuuce!!!!

I 2nd that.

thephenom September 19th, 2006 16:17

Very nice, now I'm tempted to get M14! Too bad the conversion kit is still a tad too expensive for my liking. (ok, it's way too expensive for my liking)


ILLusion September 19th, 2006 16:49


Originally Posted by Mason

Originally Posted by ILLusion
damn you bruuuuuce!!!!

I 2nd that.

I fifthded.

Hades September 19th, 2006 16:55

gah, less then 2 months and I will have mine!

Colin_S September 19th, 2006 16:56

That's definitely a beautiful M14 man! How much does it weigh now compared to stock?

bruce September 19th, 2006 18:48


Originally Posted by ILLusion

Originally Posted by Mason

Originally Posted by ILLusion
damn you bruuuuuce!!!!

I 2nd that.

I fifthded.

It's not my fault. Every team in Quebec has or had a M14. I just gave them a head start before I started mine. :lol:

Since I saw the pictures of the EBR on, I had a mega hardon for this gun. :-D But mainly it's because I can buy everything I needed, one time, to do a proper job with the upgrades. I wanted to wait for the Prometheus torqued up gears and it's available now.

It's not that the gun is heavy. It's having all the weight in front of the trigger grip. Especially when it's a long gun. The EBR stock is surprising light. I'll check the weight of the gun when it's finish compared to a stock one. It might be a few more weeks before she's up and running. I'm not looking forward to opening up the mechbox for the upgrades.

ILLusion September 19th, 2006 19:17


damn you bruuuuuuuuuce!!!!

Brakoo September 19th, 2006 20:21

Bruce I used to like you now I'm not so sure but once again, nice gun !

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