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Airsoft Plastic and Fiberglass
Hey Folks: Has anyone ever tried to reinforce plastic Parts with Fiberglass? I havent tried it yet, but would like to hear any horror stories of those braver than I , who have come before me.....Thanks and Regards :smack:
Something I did way back in the day, but I found it greater improved the strength of the plastic. Just make sure that you carefully sand afterwards to eliminate fitting issues.
Now, are you talking about furniture or the actually body? http://www.airsoftcanada.com/gallery...d_original.jpg -Daes |
Daes: Great photos and instructions!! , Absolutly the kind of answer I was looking for +. I'm trying to address repair to my SIG 550 where the crack occured just behind the receiver and did a Cloth and Crazyglue mixture, It came out looking like Micarta and sanded down to a "Smooth as Glass" type of finish. I pondered on Fiberglass since day 1 and was leary as the type of reaction it may have on plastic, or if it may not adhere at all to the surface.
I want to keep it as stock as posswible, but that dream ended the moment I started my repairs. The next step will be to go out and find the material to complete repairs to the furniture and make it stronger than stock. Thank you again Daes . Hope to buy a Digital cam soon so I can post my Pics....Bearbait |
to get the fiberglass to adhear well, u just need to give it a coarse sanding along with ensuring that no oils from your hands or other sources touch the area that is getting the treatment.
woudn't fibre glass give a plasticy, glassy smooth texture to the stock?
depends on how you texture it, u can also paint it, dye it ect.
Thanks Guys for your input; I have a few ideas brewing on the backburner, and I've decided to just take my time and complete each improvment one at a time. I will be back later on to figure out relocating the battery, Those small stick batts just don't have what it takes, I will also strengthen up the Foreend to eliminate the creaking noise when you move this gun around. Eventually want to crete the SIG 55o Sniper model with a 100 FPS upgrade etc. Etc.
If you are going to use the resin from CT make sure to pour out the entire can and mix it very well, then put it back in the can and take what you need. The CT resin is just whats left over in the vats after filling 45 gallon drums for production use and it's sits around for long periods of time causing the styrene to rise to the top.
Hey Trufret; thanks for the tip, I'm using General purpose Fiberglass Resin; I spent half an hour with the guy at Industrial Plastics and paints explaining what I wanted to do and what materials I can work with. I don't think He appreciated Airsoft as much as We do, but when I explained Full Auto fire his eyes lit up ( Kinda the look I had). Using a Dark Dye, You do not have to paint afterwards. However to match the original stock is quite the Task ( Dark Olive Drab). Gonna start a new thread soon..............Bearbait37
I currently work in production Fiberglass and was toying around with the idea of making a mold for fibgerglass versions of m-16/ak stocks ect becuse they would be much stronger than injected plastic and if it did break it would be easy to fix with the stuff from CT. Their are just too many already on the market for me to bother however.
Slightly off-topic question here, whats the difference between fiberglass and "Glass-Fiber" (such as the stuff that CA makes its CA36 series out of)?
Hey Xero: I'm not certain if its the same stuff that Magpul builds its stocks from ? But never really heard of Glass Fibre before.Does it have impervious effects against Oil and solvents etc...?
Oh Shoot I misspelled Fibre
Trufret: You can always use your skills to build other items like maybe Box Mags for Battle rifles ......Hmmmm
Im not sure as to its resistance effects as I have not purchased mine yet, its featured on all of CA's G36 series:
http://www.classicarmy.com/productli...&gun_brand=G36 |
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